Chapter 20

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*5 years later*

Aera's POV

I felt a pair of hands snaking to my waist while i was cooking breakfast for them i didn't looked at the person because i know who it is already

Chanwoo: Mmmmm Jagiya~

He put his head at my shoulder

Aera: Neh need anything Jagi???

Chanwoo: Mmmm nothing, i just wanted to say GoodMorning

Aera: Hmmm Morning too Jagi~

I continued cooking while he just back hug me but when i was about to flip the scrambled egg he turned me around and pecked my lips i gasp because our kids is just at the dining room waiting for the food to arrive

Aera: Chan the kids are just there you can't just do that and i'm cooking

Chanwoo: But you forgot my morning kiss *pout*

I kiss his cheek and turned to the egg i'm cooking again

Chanwoo: Babe i'll cook you go wait for the food with the kids at the dining table

Aera: Huh? Your gonna cook?

Chanwoo: Yes why?

Aera: No nothing

I was about to go but he pulled my wrist and i turned my head to him

Aera: Hmm???

Chanwoo: You only kiss me at my cheek you didn't pecked my lips

I went closer to him and pecked his lips

Aera: All good?

He nodded like a cute little child and let go of my wrist, i admit his really a cutie sometimes i went to the dining area where my kids are and i saw them playing with their toys

Aera: What are my princess and prince doing??

Areum: Were playing lego Eomma *gummy smile*

Yea this is my oldest "Kim Areum" she got her face from her dad and even the smile but she got the personality from me

Aera: Oh okay, what are the characters your playing??

Hyunwoo: I'm playing the King Eomma *bunny smile*

And this is my youngest "Kim Hyunwoo" he got the face except the eyes from me he also got my bunny smile too he got his eyes from his dad and also the personality from his dad

Areum: And i'm playing the Fairy of the Blue Forest

Aera: Wow! That's nice okay keep playing alright? Eomma's just gonna watch you here play while we wait for Appa okay??

Areum and Hyunwoo: Neh Eomma!

*1 minute later*

Me and my family are now eating breakfast at the dining table i was feeding Hyunwoo since his a mommy's boy and Chanwoo is feeding Areum since she's a daddy's girl

With this moments of my family in my eyes it already makes me happy even if we encounter sadness and madness we still fix it and i'm gonna "Love Them until my death because nothing can change a Family's Love with each other"

"This is Our Story, Our Love Story, and i'm not planning in ending it because Our Love Stays Forever, and it's gonna stay being the 'Two Different Hearts' that i know."

"Kim Aera"

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