Chapter 4

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{okay so let's go back to that time when Chanwoo and Aera walk to class together}

{After Aera and Chanwoo got out of the group it was an awkward silence for both of them but after a minute Chanwoo started to talking}

Chanwoo: So uh do i start courting you today?

{Aera was shocked when she heard that from Chanwoo but replied anyways}

Aera: Uhmm sure i guess?

Chanwoo: Okay so uh do you want to walk around school later in our morning snack break?

Aera: Uh i was hoping to talk with Hyukjin later in our morning snack break i just have to clear some things to him..

{when Chanwoo heard what Aera said he got a little bit jealous because he only wants Aera's time for him and him only and not to other boys but he replied a "yes" afterall it seems to be important for Aera to talk with Hyukjin and his not also in the position to be possesive and all because he's not her boyfriend yet}

*in the present time at the classroom of the girls and boys 9:30 am morning snack break time*

{after their Teacher dismiss them Aera whispered to Mizuki that she will now talked and clear things with Hyukjin at the school's garden and Mizuki nodded her head after their little whisper conversation Aera went straight to Hyukjin who's fixing his things in his bag}

Aera: Uh Hyukjin can i talk to you?

Hyukjin: Yea sure

Aera: Uhm privately?

Hyukjin: Oh okay so where are we going???

Aera: Just in the school's garden

Hyukjin: Okay let's go then?

Aera: Yea sure

{Aera and Hyukjin went straight to their friends and explained that they will just talk at the school's garden for a minute and that they will be back after their conversation and their friends just nodded their heads as a yes}

*at the school's garden*

{Hyukjin found a place where he and Aera can sit so he bring him and Aera there and started talking after they sit at the green grass}

Hyukjin: So what are we gonna talk about again?

Aera: Well uh i wanna clear some things out like you know your feelings towards me and my feelings towards you?

Hyukjin: Mhm okay continue..

Aera: Well uhm i just wanna clear that i have no feelings towards you nor anything and that i just see you as a friend a bestfriend to be exact.. *whispers*
I'm sorry..

{Hyukjin was a bit speechless and taken aback when he heard Aera said that directly to him and he felt that his heart was stabbed with millions of knives but after a minute he recoverd and started talking}

Hyukjin: Actualy it's okay i'm not even expecting you to like me and no you should not be sorry i'm fine..

Aera: So can we still stay as bestfriends???

Hyukjin: Yea sure "bestfriends"

Aera: Don't worry Hyukjin i know that you will find your girl in the future too, and i think that she's just close by *flashing her cute warm and comforting smile*

Hyukjin: You think so? *smile*

Aera: Yes i do..

{Aera and Hyukjin didn't waste their time and immediately hugged each other after their tough coversation, but little did they know two people were watching them from afar}

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