23| Scandal

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Chapter 23: Scandal (Demi's POV)

After the meeting with his PR team, we had a little bit of free time. So Vince drove me home, we packed up the last of my stuff, and then he called the movers. Once all the boxes were taken, we left for his apartment. 

I took one look around before leaving. I ended up leaving most of the furniture here in the apartment for the next tenants to keep. Actually, all of it. I told Vince that I was thinking of selling it but he just said there's no need to. So right this minute, he's driving us to his apartment forever, kind of. 

It's weird to think I'll never go back to my own apartment again, Vince's apartment is mine too now, even if it's just temporarily. But that's the place I'm going to call home now. I was sitting in the passenger seat when my phone rang in my lap. It was James. I answered, putting it to my ear. "Hello?" 

"I'm tired," he huffed, "I'm tired of being his so-called assistant in public. All his schedules are coming to me, take them away!" 

I laughed, "No can do. I'm not his assistant as far as the public knows anymore. You are. Just forward it all to me, you don't have to filter through it." 

"That's not the worst part."

"What's the worst part?" 

"His parents!" 

"Ah..." I paused. "Right." 

He sighed and then continued, "His father called. He's hosting a party tomorrow night. He just scored a deal with a huge CEO from Chicago who was here on business." 

"Who?" I asked. 

"Somebody named Ace Allister," he replied. 

I reached into my bag, taking out a notepad and pen. This is my job. To research the important people Vince is about to meet and to see if that benefits him or if it'll only harm his reputation. I scribbled down the name 'Ace Allister' and then asked James, "What kind of deal?" 

"I don't know. But Mr. Graham is selling him a location for a club and an entire mansion here in Boston. So, he hit the jackpot. Look, I've got another meeting so I have to go." 

"Okay. Thanks, bye." I hung up, opening up Google and trying to find the basics on this guy. 

"What are you doing?" Vince asked, glancing at me. 

"Your father is hosting a party tomorrow night." 

He sighed, "I'm not going." 

"We'll see. There are important guests coming, it'll be a good idea to go." 

"Who's coming?" 

"Ace Allister." I turned to look at him. "Do you know who that is?" 

He thought for a minute. "I've heard of him. He owns a club in Chicago and recently turned it into a franchise; he opened a lot of other clubs nationally. He bought a few hotels too." 

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