24| Mine

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Chapter 24: Mine (Vince's POV)

I stepped harder on the gas, driving Demi and me back to the apartment. The interview was called to a stop right after that and while City Scoop was working on taking it down, it was already everywhere. I was still angry. That anger died down by the time we reached the apartment and Demi was smart enough to not utter a single word to me until then. 

She headed to the kitchen, stepping out of the elevator first and I followed her, taking the suit off, throwing the jacket on the couch and my tie with it before entering the kitchen and sitting on a barstool. She took her jacket off as well, leaving it on the barstool on her side of the counter before sitting on the other one. She rested her arms on the table and we sat in silence, just staring at each other. She sighed softly, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Do you want anything?" She stood up, rubbing her hands against her pants. 

"Are you making lunch?" I asked. 

"I can if you want me to. What do you feel like eating?" 

"Anything," I mumbled, watching as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. 

"I'll make some lasagna then. Does that work?" 

I nodded, my eyes following her around the kitchen while she prepared everything and started making the lasagna. "Demi." 

"Hmm?" She glanced at me over her shoulder. 

"There's something I need to ask you." 


I paused, not knowing if this was the right time to ask this or if this was even the right question to ask. "Do you regret it?" 

She stopped, turning to me. "Regret what? The interview?"


She thought for a minute before realization flickered across her eyes. "Regret what?" she asked. 

"You know what." 

"Why are you asking me this?" 

"I'm curious. And because I never said I regretted it." 

"You did." 

"No. I said we were drunk. You said we probably regretted it," I replied. "So... Do you? Regret it?" 

She took in a breath and thought. "I don't... really remember it, Vince. But no. No, I don't regret it. I just regret..." 

"Being drunk?" 

She nodded, humming softly. 

"Because you know you probably wouldn't have let it happen if you were sober?" 

Her brows furrowed. "What? No. Just because I would have remembered it if I wasn't drunk." 

"Would you do the same thing if you were sober?" 

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