26| Hurts

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Chapter 26: Hurts (Vince's POV)

I sat in the passenger seat with my eyes closed while Demi drove us back. I let out a huff, opening my eyes and turning to look at her. I grabbed her hand over the gear and she threw it off. 

"I'm driving, Vince." 

"So? Let me hold your hand!" 

"Stop whining, please," she sighed in defeat. I turned to look at her with a frown on my face. She glanced at me before looking back at the road. "Who told you that you could drink so much tonight?" 

"Ace," I answered quickly. 

"Ace doesn't have practice tomorrow morning and evening. Ace isn't a hockey player who wakes up early every morning to go to the gym. Vince!" she scolded when I grabbed her hand again. She slowed down to a stop at a red light, turning in her seat to face me. "What is it? Can you please... please just sit still until we reach the apartment? It's less than five minutes away, please?" 

I lifted a brow at her. "What do I get for doing that?" 

She stared at me in disbelief before giving up, throwing her hands up before grabbing the wheel again. "What do you want?" 

"A kiss." 

She turned to me, driving when the light turned green. "Fine." 

I laughed, staring out the window as she drove, reaching the apartment and parking in my usual spot. 

"Come on, let's get you upstairs." She unbuckled herself and pulled the keys out with her, walking to my side and opening the door. She leaned down, taking off my belt. I watched her face while she did that and grabbed my phone from the cup holder. She took a step back, holding her hand out. "Come on." 

I grabbed her hand and got out, stumbling a little. 

She sighed, linking her arm with mine before locking the car and taking me inside. We got into the elevator and made it upstairs. "Can I let you be on the couch?" she asked. 

I shook my head slowly.

She groaned, letting me go and standing behind me, pushing me along. I held onto the railing and went up to my room slowly. She opened the door and I made it to the bed, sitting down immediately and kicking my shoes off. She left my phone on the nightstand. "Keys and wallet. Quickly." She held out a hand. 

I fished them out of my pocket, dropping both things in her palm. 

She left that on the nightstand too. "Now lay down and go to sleep, Vince." 

"You promised me a kiss," I said accusingly. 

"I didn't promise you anything. Lay down." She huffed, grabbing my shoulders and pushing me to lay down. 

I knocked her hands off and grabbed them, pulling her down while leaning up. I kissed her quickly but slowed down when she didn't stop me. 

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