38| Brownies

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I changed the chapter name




Chapter 38: Brownies (Vince's POV)

We finished decorating the whole place and then moved to the kitchen to make dinner and some brownies since she was craving them. We were currently waiting for the brownies to finish baking. 

Demi grabbed the bowl of melted chocolate and dipped her finger into it, licking it off and then looking up at me, redipping her finger and holding it out. "Hmm, here." 

I moved forward, throwing her hair over her shoulders and tucking it behind her ear while licking the chocolate off her finger. She dipped her finger one more time and then wiped it onto my cheek, laughing. I stopped, closed my eyes, and sighed. "Did you really just do that to me?" 

"Boo-hoo, it's only some chocolate." 

"Only some chocolate, yeah?" I dipped my finger in, quickly wiping it on her cheek while holding her in place by her waist. 

She squealed, closing her eyes and freezing before fake crying, pushing my arm away. "No more games with chocolate. Chocolate is sticky." 

I wiped my cheek with a rag before doing the same for her while she looked around and grabbed the bowl of flour. "Demi, don't—" 

She picked up a pinch and smeared it across my cheek, giggling again so I did the same thing, some of it getting in her hair. "My hair!" she gasped before taking an entire handful and throwing it on my head. 

I stared at her in disbelief. "You're so dead." 

She threw another handful at me and then moved away quickly, running. 

I managed to snatch the bowl for her before she got away. We stood on opposite ends of the counter and every time I rounded it, she ran to the other side while grinning widely, laughing. I managed to catch her by her shirt and pulled her into me, emptying half the bowl on her head. 

She screamed, taking the bowl and dumping the other half of my head and even shook her hair out, all the flour dusting off on me. I laughed while she dusted her clothes and hair off. She looked up at me, chuckling softly, and ruffled my hair, the flour falling everywhere. I tilted her chin up and kissed her. She came up on her toes, resting her arms around my neck, and kissed me back with a smile. 

The brownies finished baking with a beep and we broke away. She went and took them out, leaving them on the counter. While waiting for them to cool down, I stood at the counter while she sat on it and we kissed some more and then some more and then some more. 

"I really love you, Vince," she said when we broke away. 

"I really love you, Demi." While we ate the brownies, I asked her about something I'd been wondering for a while. "Are you going to see your parents before the last game?" 

She nodded slowly, "I think so. You know I want to stay, right? But I don't feel comfortable putting my parents' expenses on you, you already did enough for me and them by paying off that debt and handling all my expenses. I can't put any more on you. I don't want to do that. I think it would be better if I just go see them and maybe you can fly in?" 

I lifted my brows slightly. "I'm all ears." 

"Maybe after your game? On Christmas? Or the next day, whatever you prefer, you could fly in and finally meet them." 

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