Chapter 5

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I drove myself to school after telling my driver to take a day off today. I saw Rose waving immediately I got down from my car.

I sighed not knowing if it is due to sadness, anger or something else. I picked up my bag from my car.

"Hi. Hayden" She said cheerfully

"Hey." I replied biting down the uneasy feeling spreading down my stomach. It felt as if someone is watching me though. I'm hoping it's not one of my father's competitor or something.

"Hm Hayden," Rose called softly and raised her head slowly to look me in the eyes.

Oh how I love it when she does that.

"Àre you angry with me?" she squeezed her little finger together


"About Friday party. I know I'm the reason you went but..."

Yeah, I've already decided not to go to the party but a word from Rose made me cancelled my thought at the last hour.

Rose has been my crush since the last 2 months. I finally have the courage to woo her last month but she haven't give me a reply and she told me she'll give me my reply in the party that night which was the reason I decided to dress hotter to astonish her more.

unfortunately she didn't attend, which made me drink some alcohol in sadness which later made me seduce shameless Zenos. I mean get dominated by Zenos

"You didn't attend" I completed

"I'm sorry. My lil brother had an issue so I ended up in the hospital that night." she said and bit her lower lips

"Sorry for that" though I didn't know she has siblings

"Are we good?" She asked with a smile showing off her cute dimples

"Hm?" I replied absentmindedly

"You know you've not been acting your normal self!" She said seriously.

"Just smitten by your beauty" I flirted back

She blushed and I finally hear the word I've been willing to hear, "I'll be your girlfriend!" She said and kissed me

She just kissed me? Rose kissed me. My eye widen in shock.

Excitement began to sped through my system, something I lost since Saturday morning but it felt as if I was doused with cold water when Rose said with anger: "Is that hickeys on your neck?" after breaking from the kiss!

"Hic..hi? What???" My eyes widen in shock recalling that I forgot to use the scarf I brought from home that morning.

"You were cheating on me? I hate you. Lets break up" She cried out in tears and ran off

"Rose"I called after her but she's gone

Damn Zenos. Stupid Zenos. Thanks to him I lost the love I've been running after since the last 2 months.

I guess I'm the first person to lose a relationship within 5 mins. I swear I'm gonna kill Zenos the next time we met.

"Hey dude" I glanced up and saw Andy walking towards me.

"Wassup man?"

"I just saw Rose crying? You fought?Wait. is that an hickey?" he gasped and cover his mouth in shock

I groaned obviously annoyed with myself for forgetting to put on the scarf immediately..

I immediately picked up the scarf and wear it round my neck while replying Andy calmly, "reason why she left!"

Andy slapped my arm playfully and grinned. "oy, I should have known that's how it'll end when I saw you all over that dude that night!" he laughed again

"Wait???You saw me??" I gasped in shock

"Of course or how would I know" he replied with a smirk and I gave him a slap at the back of his head before he can spew more nonsense

"What was that for?" he groaned and pouted angrily

I kicked him and hit his head again and again while talking, "you idiot, you should have pull me away from him. Now look at my situation."

Andy retaliate and stopped me. "you've forgotten?" he asked in suprise.

"Of course or would I have asked you?" I retorted angrily

I turned gay after a drunken night(BL)Where stories live. Discover now