Chapter 8

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Zenos POV
After taking my bath, I prepared the bathroom for Hayden and wore a short and decided to bath him myself but when I came out I saw him as he tries to stand up,even though he his in pain.. He's so cute!!!
He picked up his clothes one by one and wore it. I watched him curiosly wanting to know what he's doing until I saw him skipped towards the door happily..So he is trying to escape?I clenched my fist in anger, he'll always be mine..Only Mine!!.I laughed silently as his faces scrunched up in sadness as he realizes that the door is locked..Thank God,I locked the door and threw the key into my pocket last night
"Are you looking for this??"I asked him coldly
He nodded his head then shake it,I think he's kinda afraid of me.Even though I'm eager to bath him again this morning after cleaning him yesterday I'm willing to give him time so that he can slowly be able to do whatever he feels in my presence
I walked towards him and exert my claim again"Better.!. Don't ever try to run away or else once I find you, you are never getting away again.You should know what I'm saying!"I said in a chilling voice and stroke Hayden's waist thinking about all the unspeakable things I'll do to him if he ever dares to...My little Rabbit can be a little mischievous sometimes
Hayden gulped and nod frantically in agreement.Great ! I smirked.. he should know the best thing for now
"Go and take your bath!!"
Fast forward to after dropping Hayden home and warning him repeatedly to always make sure his phone is on.
I smiled thinking about his cute expression when I kissed him..I'm missing him already..My phone rang jutting me awake from my thinking..i picked it up
"Good morning CEO,CEO Eric from Universe Company has agreed to meet you by evening today"My Assistant said immediately i picked up the call
I groaned in displeasurement.Why today of all days?"Where is the meeting holding up??"
"At City B,CEO!"Assistant Jude said
"Ok, Prepare the plane and everything needed."I commanded before cutting off the call.That means there'll be no interaction between me and my baby throughout this weekend..I wanted to take him out on a date tomorrow..Forget it maybe another day will do.. I should secure the contract first and calm my Hayden beating heart
I refrained myself from calling Hayden since morning thinking he'll probably be asleep but he should have woken up by now,right?I decided to text him before getting into the plane
Hey: I typed after hesitating for long
"CEO, everything is ready...Let's go!"Assistant Jude said
"Ok.."I put my phone in airplane mode before putting it away.. Hopefully my kitten should have answered before I get out of the plane
Immediately I landed at City B,I removed my phone from airplane mode and checked it but there's no reply..Is he sleeping?or is he busy or something?
I sent him a text again : Hey baby!!
What are you doing??
I furrowed my brow when I got no reply after 10 secs,so I text him again : How are you doing baby??
Or is he angry with me?is he ignoring me?I got into my car and the driver immediately drove off.. I kept thinking about Hayden.Why is he not chatting me?I told him to turn on his phone..Yup it's on ,so I sent him a text hopefully he'll reply me : Talk to me babe!!!!
I called him 7 times because I'm too desperate to hear his voice,to tell me he is alright or did I go too far yesterday??..the Fuck!!!
(A/N(author's note) : Yes,you go too far in pounding our Male Lead!)
Are you annoyed with me??
Have you eaten??
I get out of the car and lodge into my mansion at City B, I spent every second thinking about Hayden..The more I think about Hayden the more I send him texts
"CEO, let's go to the meeting.. CEO Eric is waiting!
"Okay.!!!"I put my phone inside my suit pocket and walked into the car"Let's go"I ordered after sitting in the car
I entered the private room in the club and my face scrunched up in disgust but I quickly replaced it with a faint smile
"The Most Capable and Talented Young CEO of our time is here!!"A man with pot belly stood up with a smile immediately...The two young ladies sitting on his legs immediately stood up and try to rearrange themselves in hope to catch the young CEO's face same as the other ladies in the room.
"Good evening CEO Eric!'I replied with a smile and ignored CEO Eric's announcement like greetings
"Ah..Ah....You beauties should move immediately let CEO Zenos sit"the man which appears to be CEO Eric said proudly.He turns to me and says"CEO Eric, I hope you're comfortable with the arrangements??"
I snorted inwardly.. Comfortable with the lewd ladies in the room giving me eyes?"It's okay"I replied and sat at a spot not too far from CEO Eric..The two girls beside me tried to rub thier breast on my arm but I gave them a cold glare and they move away in fright...This body is only meant for my little rabbit!!!

I turned gay after a drunken night(BL)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz