chapter 20

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You!!!"Hayden looked at that smirking and incomparably handsome face that has been taunting him in his dream over and over again every night...He still looks the same ethere..NO!!!He looks more handsome and mature.. He's been doing fine without him 'that's great'he thought but a sprang of jealousy hit him hard on the chest..Who's that girl lying on him??They seems close especially with that cleavages that seems to wants to bury Zenos face"You're cheating on me??"he glared at Zenos fiercely..He has been worrying about that idiot but the idiot is living fine and he's instead cheating around!!He glared at the glared at the both of them and his teeth clenched in anger

"What nonsense are you spouting?"Zenos looked at him boredly,his face serene but inwardly checking out the little bastard who has been running andruining his mind since the day he set his eyes on him.. Who knew this is where the little bastard has been hiding?He has been secretly looking for him once in a while but he never thought about this state!!He thought the idiot had ran out of the country!!!Ok..Fine!!He is glad he met him but he didn't expect to meet Hayden now..No!!! Not that he doesn't want to but the worst thing is the position Hayden met him..Making that boy thinks he's cheating.He cheats??Nah.!!.How can he?When his mind has been especially thinking about Hayden.He just can't count how many times he thinks about the boy daily..And he can't deny that his mind has been missing that face.. Seeing him heaving angrily at the doorstep makes him want to pull Hayden into his arm because all he wanted to do is hug him,kiss him,love him so much because he has been waiting for this day since long 

 CEO James look at the both of them but there seems to be something mischievous and wild playing in his blue eyes"You know each other?"he asked Zenos



 Zenos and Hayden says at the same time.. Zenos saying No while Hayden saying Yes..Hayden glared at Zenos..Bastard!! He's purposely ignoring him at the presence of that girl!!!That bastard!!He cursed angrily

"You dunno him?Good!! but I seem to like him,can you introduce him to me?"A mischievous smirk played at the corner of his mouth.. He'll help them use jealousy of each other to take this step since anger is clouding thier eyes.All thanks to the bastard girl,thier fight will take almost a longer way

 Zenos didn't say anything but his bulging eyes and the vein running through his clenched fist is enough to tell anyone that he is holding back from punching CEO James"Bullshit!!"He uttered angrily

 Hayden glared at the girl who refused to stand up despite the tensed air in the room..He entered the room and threw her away without care then pulled Zenos by his hand and glared at him"Stand up..we need to talk!!"

 CEO James applauded Hayden in his mind..Go for it!!Yeah, fucking throw that bitch away!!He cheered!

 Assistant Jude,Sean and David who looked shocked a moment ago stood up simultaneousl and they all blocked his path"No!!"

"Damn those stupid three.. Getting in the midst of the reunion of two lovers"he thought inwardly and was about to stand up to smack the three idiots angrily

"You dare??"Hayden glared at them fiercely..His gaze zipping shivers done thier spine..CEO James heart swelled in pride,this boy is one hell of a lion king!!He like this boys character too.. Going straight fiercely without fail!!!

 Zenos signalled the three to step back..

CEO James applauded Zenos in his mind'Yeah,don't let any mf come in between you

'he thought

"Zenos!!"they cried out in bitterness and anger

"I'll be back, soon!!"he replied to them with a little bit of smile..He suddenly stopped and warned them"Michael mustn't hear a word!"


 He ignored them and walked out calmly

"What a beautiful show!!"James exclaimed and clasped happily..Then, suddenly turned towards the girl that fell on Zenos laps a while ago"GET OUT!!"He yelled angrily..He watched as the girl ran out fearfully..Damn girl,wanting to separate Zenos and his boyfriend..His teeth clenched in anger and his eyes swept through the other girls sitting rigidly on thier seat..He yelled at them"SCRAM!!"He watched as they ran out of the room in fear leaving him deeply satisfied then he leaned back into the leather couch and fell into deep thoughts

 I wanted to skip writing today but I decided against it due to the motivation from everyone ..Even though this chapter really burns a lot outta me..But I'm using it to thank you Guysh. Thank you and I love you♥️♥️

I turned gay after a drunken night(BL)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum