Chapter 12

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"What?"he exclaimed"What do you mean, I have to leave,dad?"


"Dad"he cuts in"No one knows me..Not even my close friends knows I'm the heir of Ethanna"He said and stood up

"I know.."Ethan stood up and placed his hand on Hayden's shoulder

"Then why?"he looked into his father's eyes and asked sadly

"The company is going through some prob.."

"What problems?"he asked in puzzlement

"The company shares price has fallen into a low rate and we have some cases with the police now"Ethan said with frustrated expression then he breathe in and out to calm himself.He continued"I don't want you to go but I don't want you to get hurt..Cause ever since the new son of Cole took over his(Cole) company ,many companies wreck down"


"He's doing a multi type of business..He has already gotten a standing in the business industry so most of the contract are awarded to his company?"

"Who is the guy?"he asked in amazement

"Ze..something.. I don't really know the guy is so much anonymous almost no one knows his name,maybe he is de.. something..i can't remember"his father concluded

"Ok.. dad but why is the business industry affecting my school?"

"All those old geezers who never want to die are now using extreme shady measure to win contracts!"


"So you better think about it..i hope you think about your safety first"

"Yes,dad"he replied


"Aish."Zenos cried out in pain and the other 4 people in the room quickly ran forward

"why does my head hurt and why does it feel so tight?"he complained and tried to sit up

"Don't!!"Micheal yelled"Don't stand up yet"he said calmly

"I'm sick of these bed already"he complained

"Oh..sorry about that but you're going to stay here for a week"

"What? You're kidding me right??"

"Nope.. Cause you should have known that this will be your punishment when you decided to hit your head this morning!"

 Hearing about the morning matters made Zenos expression changes into gloomy"I can't stay..."

"So that you can run into that boy's arms"Micheal said sharply

"I won't see him anymore!"he replied firmly

"Better..just know that you aren't going out of the bed yet"Michael glared

"Ok!"he replied gloomy knowing nothing can take him out when Michael is like this


"Rose"Hayden called after her but she didn't stop to answer him"Let's talk..please"

"What do you wanna say?"she asked coldly  but stopped and didn't look at him

"I'm sorry about what happened the other day but can you take it as if I have never asked you out?" He said without hesitation

"What??"she turned to him angrily"After asking me out,i accepted you and found out that you're cheating on me.Since two days now,you didn't apologize now the first thing you will say to me is to take your words back!Hayden,what did I do to you?How did i offend you?Why did you decide to hurt my feelings"Her shoulder begins to shake and she started crying"Hayden,why?"

"I'm sorry"he replied.. Thinking about what his father said two days ago madw him realizes that he was stupid..Any relationship he hold now would be broken anyways and his mind have been chanting Zenos name too much these days.He doesn't know the reason why but he didn't hear from Zenos,he fucked up, didn't he?

 Suddenly,her sobbing expression turned into ferocious one"who is it?"

"Huh?"he replied absentmindedly

"Who's the girl?"she pulled Hayden's arm with force

 'Waoh..what kinda brutal strength,does this girl have?'Hayden thought.He shrugged off the thought"No one!"

"No one?"she scoffed"I don't believe it!"

 'Just your fucking problem if you don't believe me.why disturb me?It's not like we have began to date or something!'A ping broke his chaotic thought.He removed his phone from his pocket and saw that someone sent him a message

 He opened his eyes wide when he saw the content of the message
He looked at her and shook his head.To think he was blaming himself for hurting a gentle girl like her"To think,i once thought you're innocent girl seeing as you always carry yourself differently from the other girls.Well,i should have known that a pure girl shouldn't know what's hickey..I guess I'm stupid and you played your game well"

"What are you talking about?"she glared at him

"You went to visit your brother on Saturday?What a lie?Check this out!"Hayden gave the phone to Rose and she collected it from him  but when she saw the content color drained out of her face.The guy she went home with on Saturday was one of Hayden's friend"look,i can explain..Hayden!"

"There's no need to explain anything.We didn't have anything to do with each other at the first place.Its better to let it be like that"He turned and walked away without sparing her another glance

One mission is completed.He will make sure to call zenos by night if he(Zn) doesn't call him

 By noon,Hayden has more or less said goodbyes to his friends.Andy shed a few tears and almost didn't want to let go of Hayden but Hayden smiled and told him they'll never lose contact

I turned gay after a drunken night(BL)Where stories live. Discover now