- five -

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There is only
one happiness in life,
to love and be loved.

- George Sand.


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I can't believe this. The whole day I thought he didn't want to be my friend and all the reasons but it was my fault.

Now he would think that I don't want to be his friend.

I shook my head clearly not in the mood to overthink again and texted Nate that I'm here.

I'll just ask Nate what someone would think if this happened to them.

I looked outside my car and saw people coming out of the building. I guess the school is finally over.

I got outside of the car to wait for Nate. I hope his day went well.

"Hey!" I turned to my right to see a guy coming my way.

He's tall, deep voice. I can also see a few tattoos. His style is really good too.

I don't know him. Why is he coming here?

I waved at him not wanting to be rude.

"You waiting for someone?" he asked casually like we've known each other since forever.

No, my dude. I just like watching highschoolers. Creepy right? I know.

But I decided to keep my thoughts to myself, "I'm here to pick my brother." I said instead.

I'm so proud of myself for not stuttering.

Well, he doesn't give out creepy or bad vibes, I think that's the reason.

He looks friendly.

"I've never seen you before. Are you new here? Do you go to this school too?" he asked wanting to continue the conversation.

What's with all the questions? Do people usually talk like this to strangers? I won't know, I never talked much.

"Yeah, moved here recently. I finished my highschool last year" I answered.

"Oh, you're lucky. I would've finished my highschool last year too, if it wasn't for my stupid accident." He said pouting.


"I'm so sorry. But no worries. This year would go by quickly." I said not asking questions about the accident.

"Yeah, I hope so too. Where is your brother?" he said looking around.

"It's his first day so maybe he had to talk to the teacher. You don't have to stay, you can go." I said not wanting him to be late to wherever he had to go.

"Oh no, it's okay, darling. I heard a few guys talk about you and let me tell you they are not the best guys to be around so I thought I'd keep you company so they won't bother you." he said giving me a small smile.

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