- twenty -

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He was her warmth.
She was his peace.

She was his peace

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"It was so good. Thankyou so much."

"Of course." I said as we finished our meal.

"What should we do now?" She asked me, turning in her seat to look at me.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Nothing." She said looking out from my side of the window.

"We can-"

"Do you keep chocolates in your car? Nate and I have so many in ours. In case any of us is in the mood for it."

"I have cookies but we can buy some chocolates." I suggested, already starting the car to look for any local store.

"We don't have to. But I really crave chocolates during my periods and they help with the cramps." Noted.

"Anything else you crave during your periods?" I asked, my voice low as she has her eyes closed.

"Well, chocolates, obviously. Then, spicy food. Super spicy. Grilled sandwich. And, oh! Garlic bread. It's all dad's fault. He made me all these things every time I had my periods. Even in the middle of the night, when it's just the two of us in the kitchen, he'd make me grilled sandwiches because I love them. 'What my daughter wants, My daughter gets!' " she said. Her eyes smiling, but filled with tears.

I guess she gets really emotional during her periods.

I can clearly see her father making her anything she craves in the middle of the night. He's expressing his love and care, wanting to provide comfort and support during her period.

It's a heartfelt gesture, some might see it as a small thing but for me that shows his deep emotional connection and his desire to be there for her in any way he can.

God, he's such a good guy.

I can't wait to meet him again. I hope I will soon. I hope he remembers me.

I remember, even during that ten minute conversation, he told me a lot of things and promised me that he'll always remember me as 'the stranger who made his daughter's birthday special, even though he's having a bad day himself.'

I didn't even say a word about me having a bad day. But one look at me and he noticed everything.

'The way you didn't think twice before showing your kindness didn't go unnoticed. Nor did the way your eyes are looking so tired. Everything will be okay. Today might not have been a good day for you, but tomorrow will be. And the day after that and after that. You better not give up. I might be a stranger but I'm also a dad and if I see you again and you're not happy doing whatever you're doing, you'll have me to answer to.'

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