The Discussion

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"When was this filmed?"

BTS were all sitting in their living room watching the competition their newest member had taken part in just before joining their group.

"6-months ago, I think."

"Wow. It's hard to believe she improved so much in such a short amount of time."

"She joined our extra dance practice the other evening and I asked her about it."

"You told her we were watching this?"

"Hobi-Hyung, why?"

"What? You three already told her you would."

"What did she say?"

"Yeah, what's her secret?"

"Namjoon-Hyung is very eager to know how she could suddenly dance."

"Yah! Show some respect for our leader!"

"Sorry Jin-Hyung, did you want to know her secret too?"

"Are you saying I need it?"

"N-no. No! Absolutely not. You're the best dancer here, Hyung!"

"That's more like it."

"Anyway... Hobi?"

"Oh, one of the mentors gave her a few extra lessons."

"They must have been an amazing teacher."

"She's a hard worker. That's why she improved so quickly."

"You know, she wouldn't have left the practice room that night if I hadn't said I'd stay and help her."

"That's what I mean! She works too hard. I'm worried she going to hurt herself one day."

"Kookie, you've been sticking up for her this whole time. What happened to the plan?"

"She doesn't deserve to be treated that way."

"Aww. Does someone have a crush on Noona?"

"I think the plan has already failed. We tried, but we're just not mean people."

"Yeah, and she's not that bad, in fact, I think she could fit in well."

"You mean we should give this 8th member nonsense a real go?"

"It's happening whether we want it to or not, so we might as well do our best."

"I agree."

"Seriously, Tae? You were most against this in the beginning!"

"I know, but..."


"I like her."

"I like her too."

"I've already started sorting out the spare room for her."

"You what?"

"Okay, okay. So we're really doing this? Letting someone join our group, our family?"

"I think we should give her a chance."

"Yoongi-Hyung, what about you? What do you think?"

"She's my age."

The others knew what he meant by that. All the other members had friends who were born the same year as them, whether they were in the group or not. Although Jin was only a few months older than Yoongi, it wasn't the same.

"That's settled then. BTS is an eight-member group."

"But we've been an eight-member group for a few months now..."

"Technically, yes, but not in our hearts."

"You're so sappy, Hobi-Hyung."

"Look, she's back on screen!"

"Aww, look at her trying to dance. So cute!"

"She's doing that thing!"

"What thing?"

"Before she dances she closes her eyes, almost like she's meditating standing up."


"Don't know, but if it helps her focus, it doesn't matter why."

"Oh no! Those girls are going to crash into her!"

They all watched as their 8th member was suddenly pulled out of the way.

"Is that...?"

"I think we've found her secret dance teacher."

"This show is almost like a drama!"

"So if this guy -"

"Wang Yibo."

"- is her dance mentor. Then what about the other one?"


"The guy that threatened Taehyung on the phone."

"Oh! Z.Tao!"

"What's he got to do with this?"

"He's a mentor on the show too. Didn't you see him?"


"Do you think we'll see how she became such close friends with him too?"

"Hold on, what about the guy in her apartment? Didn't she say they knew each other from this as well?"

"Right! Lay! But he's not a mentor."

"Hang on. How many male Idol friends does she have?"

They glanced around at each other.

"Do you think they know?"

"I hope not."

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