The Beginning

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"We brought you lunch. Jin-Hyung made it especially!"

"Your bag looks heavy. Let me carry it for you!"

"Is your water bottle empty? I'll go fill it up for you!"

"Do you want to come over to ours tonight? We're having a movie night. You can choose if you want!"

While the members of BTS had gradually been acting nicer towards her over the past week, recently they had all taken it to the extreme. Every day, whenever she saw one of them, they would bring her something, help her, or invite her to hang out with them.

At first, she hesitantly, but politely accepted, not wanting to upset them by turning down their offers. However, as it continued, she started to wonder what their end game was. Where was the joke, the trick?

They had all been practising late. Their comeback - or debut as a group of eight - was not far away and they were almost ready. The songs had been finished and recorded. She had cried when she first listened to the final version of the song she had written. It had been almost unbelievable to her that a song she had created had been sung by BTS.

Once Hoseok was finally satisfied with their results, all eight of them collapsed on the floor. After a few minutes spent getting her breath, she got up and started gathering her stuff to leave. Seeing this, the boys dragged themselves up and approached her.


"Oh, sorry, were we not finished?"

"No, that's not - would you - you see we were hoping -"

"Will you come over to our apartment? We have something to show you."

"Oh, er, sure. Now?"

"No time like the present."

She waited while the boys gathered up their stuff and then followed them out. Jungkook insisted on carrying her bag for her, and Taehyung and Jimin fought over who got to open the door for her - every door they went through. In the end, Namjoon told them off and opened the doors himself. Watching all of this only made her more confused.

When they finally got home, they wouldn't let her drop off her stuff next door and instead insisted that she come with them straight into their apartment.

"Kookie, would you do the honours?"

Jungkook motioned for her to follow him until they paused outside a door. He opened the door to reveal a bedroom. She peered in and wondered whose room it was as she couldn't imagine any of BTS living there. The youngest member watched her reaction with hopeful eyes.

"Do you like it?"

"What? What do you mean? Whose room is this?"

She turned to see the boys gathered in the doorway.

"It's yours."

"It's our way of showing you we're sorry."

"Sorry for how we treated you."

"Sorry for ignoring you.

"Sorry for shouting at you."

"Sorry for not making you feel like part of the group."

"Sorry for trying to make you leave."

"We hope you can forgive us."

"And this is just the beginning! We will continue to try and make it up to you."

"We all promise to do better."

The boys all nodded along with their leader's final statement.

"Oh. Wow. I..."

Jimin walked up to her with big puppy eyes and pouty lips.

"Can you forgive us?"

"I... I think you forget that I was ARMY before all of this. You didn't want an eighth member and I understand why. It's just been the seven of you all this time. You've been through so much together, and no one else could understand the bond you all share. BTS is seven."

"You're right. We did forget that you're ARMY and no one understands what we have been through more than ARMY because they went through it with us. In a way, that makes what we did worse."

Hoseok picked up where Yoongi left off.

"But if you're willing, then we will do this properly. BTS now has an eighth member. You are a part of BTS and we will treat you as such."

Jin followed on after Hoseok with a smile.

"After all, we are not seven with you."

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