The Trip

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BTS were on their way to the airport to travel to America to start the world tour abroad. The whole way there she asked the boys questions about the places they would be going, and what they would have time to do while they were there. The boys found her excitement cute, but she was talking so much to hide her nerves.

She was nervous because this was her first time travelling as someone famous and she had seen and heard horror stories about Idols at airports. The boys already had a plan in place. She would be in the middle of them, surrounded on all sides to keep her safe and away from the crowd as much as possible. Unfortunately, not everything went to plan.

The crowd at the airport was worse than they had ever seen it before, and security was struggling. As much as the boys tried to stick to the plan, they had to travel single file to squeeze through the gap security had managed to clear for them. She was at the back of the line with only Namjoon behind her.

She could feel her heart pounding and she kept her head down and followed the person in front of her. Suddenly, something hit her on the head, catching her off guard and making her stumble. Then she felt something hit the side of her face and her cheek stung. Strong arms wrapped around her, and she found herself tucked into Namjoon's body as he protected her.

Whoever it was throwing things soon gave up as they didn't want to hit Namjoon. The leader looked down at her and held her face in his hand as he checked her over. He said something to her, but the noise around them was so loud that she couldn't hear him.

Everyone had stopped when they realised what was happening. Jungkook fought his way back to the pair and wrapped an arm around them like a bodyguard. The group continued making their way through the crowd until they made it to security where they couldn't be followed. As soon as could the boys surrounded her, asking what had happened and if she was okay.

"I'm fine."

"You're not fine, Noona. You got hurt!"

The Maknae pointed at her cheek before getting his phone out so she could see.

"It's just a scratch. It barely hurts."

Yoongi poked her cheek under the cut making her wince.

"Yeah, sure. It doesn't hurt at all."

The airport medics cleaned her up and use steri-strips over the wound. However, whatever she had been hit with had been hard and sharp, so they suggested she get it looked at when they landed to be safe. The boys looked very worried.

"I promise I'm okay."

"It never should've happened in the first place."

"I'll just remember to wear a hard hat next time."

"Don't joke about this. You could've been seriously injured!"

"You think I don't know that! Joking about it is the only way to stop myself from breaking down, okay?"

Taehyung wrapped her up in a hug, and then Jimin joined, then each member until they were all in a big cuddle pile. No one mentioned the sound of crying coming from the middle of the group, they just squeezed a little tighter.

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