The Silence

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The group had a couple of days before their first concert in America. They spent this time visiting a few places in-between giving interviews. The cut on her face was bandaged and therefore difficult to conceal, but no one asked her about it. In fact, she was only asked one question: how lucky do you feel to be working with BTS?

When asked about the songs on their new album, Namjoon would always mention how she had written two of them. However, as much as he tried to give her a chance to speak as well, the interviewer often moved on quickly. The most frustrating thing was that she had hoped to take some of the burden off of Namjoon since she was a fluent English speaker.

The night before the first concert, the group had a quiet night in together. All eight of them gathered in one room.  They told her funny stories from their past tours, noted the differences between Korean and American audiences, and gave her some tips.

It was moments like this that warmed her heart. Over the last couple of months, they had really bonded as a team and it felt so nice to be included. Something she had always yearned for was the bond that she saw BTS had. They didn't just work together, they were like family to each other and couldn't imagine spending their lives apart. She tried not to think about how she was going to lose this once her contract was up.

While she didn't know what her future would hold, she hoped that music would still be a part of it, in some way. She also hoped that a certain someone would be by her side.

She sighed as she checked her phone. Yoongi, who was sitting next to her, nudged her with his shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

Jungkook who sitting on her other side leaned over with a concerned look.

"I haven't heard from Yibo since we left Korea."

"Is that unusual? It's only been a few days, Noona."

"Yeah, and you both have busy schedules, right?"

"And then there's the time difference to consider!"

Despite their attempts to reassure her, Yoongi could tell something was weighing on her mind.

"You're worried he's seen that photo."

"He was already worried about... I just hope he hadn't jumped to conclusions."

"Surely he'd ask you about it first before believing the media though?"

"If he doesn't trust you, Noona, then he doesn't deserve you!"

"Under normal circumstances, I might agree with you, but our whole relationship has been long-distance and before that, we hadn't seen each other for months... it's just hard."

Yoongi looked around the room and noticed that Namjoon was listening to their conversation, the corner of his mouth turned up in a smile. The older rapper turned back to her.

"It's just a misunderstanding. You'll clear it up and everything will be okay."

She smiled at Yoongi, grateful to have him as a friend.

"I hope so."

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