What Now

48 7 1

trigger Warning

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Jhope Pov.

This morning was amazing every time I meet this guy, taehyung I feel like iam taking a very big step in the path that I have always dreamed of, it's an amazing feeling that I hope I can feel more later on, but still what would happen and how does he expect me to show my loyalty and dedication to him it's still confusing me, and when I told him I was ready for anything his answer was "let the games begin " then left me in so much confusion that I couldn't even manage to stop him from leaving.

Iam now still sitting at the Cafe, Tae had left about an hour ago, but iam just thinking, sitting over there and thinking about the future, instead of seeing darkness and nothing, I now see a future, something, but still at the end of that road there is a dark end, dispit me being at the beginning iam moving towards that dark end unexpectedly fast.

What does that mean...... I don't know but It Has to mean something, and I will find it out sooner or later.

Iam back home, I open ther door to see my mom sitting on the couch putting her face in her two hands and shaking her legs vigorously up and down.

I closed the door behind me with a click and that's when she looked up at me anger and frustration visible on here face.

"why haven't you been going to school" she ask in a stern voice, she looked like she was trying to talk calmly.

"who......" I was intrupted "the principle called and said you have been absent for over 5 weeks now, why hosouk, don't you want to have a good future and a presentable job..."

"oh bullshit, yes I haven't been going to school....... And? Why do you care"

"hosouk of course I care I........"

"oh yeah sure you say that shit to someone other than me mom, you don't give a single shit you only care when people complain about specific things we do or say, you only care about people's opinion"

She started to rase her voice and shout "don't you dare swear at my house hold"

"oh yeah so you are leaving everything and mad because I sweared, oh yeah expected, what would the neighbours think, you know what iam leaving fuck this house hold shit"

"where are you going to stay ha"

"the streets are better to live at than here"

"where are you going, iam still talking to you here"

I egnored here yelling and callings I got upstairs and started packing, yes iam actually leaveing, iam done with all this, being away from them would also help me alot, but where am I staying, I guess I will find out later on

"hosouk where are you going, are you seriously leaving, to where? " my mom started mobing me once she saw me with two of my bags fully stuffed

"leave me alone, if you really care just leave me, you don't know anything and you don't understand anything, don't text or call me just forget you ever got pregnant after giving birth to my sister"

I didn't stand there for another second I just finished and stormed out of the house slamming the door behind.

Now iam out here in the coldness, it got dark quick "it looks like it will rain, I have to find a place to stay" I got out my wallet to see the money I had, I had enough money to stay at a................ Motel perfect.

I spotted a motel finally, I think I have got far enough from home I should just take a rest


Hosouk gets in, an old man with a long wight beard standing behind a front desk "good evening, how could I help you"

"oh, hmmmm how much is it to stay for a week"

"oh, well we have some discounts going on just for fun so for a week stay that would be 500$ would you like to include  breakfast "

"uh, yeah sure, how much would that be"

"520 cash only"

" yeah sure here"

"ooookay, room no. 11, have a nice stay"

Hosouk took his bags and started heading to his room, he opened the door and got in tosing his bags on the floor near the bed, he locked the door, and that's when he started going crazy.

It all your fucking fault *punches the wall *you did this to me *another punch *you fucking aghhh *shouting and screaming *it's all your mother fucking fault, you did this, you don't know anything, you have been so fucking clueless for 3 whole years, three fucking years *punching the wall *I lived with you how come you never heard me cry, saw my scars, heard me shout and scream, how come you never noticed how at some point I lost so much weight , how come you never found out about that day at school, when I almost ended my life and jumped off the building, I hate you so much, I hate my self, I hate my life, I hate everything *another punch *

Hosouk finished screaming and yelling all that was stuck in his heart and chest, he wished he could tell her in her face but he couldn't .

He slide down agianst the wall, he sat on the cold uncoverd floor, covering his face with his now bloody and badly scratched and cut hand,crying. he was tired, he didn't feel the pain in his hand or nuckles or whatever the only pain he felt was the pain in his chest, his heart hurts and no one can help the only people whom he had hope would help are just oblivious show offs
Who don't care about nothing but there imagine and dispite living under the same roof with him they still never relised what was going on with him.

Saying I love this character isn't enough first time I write such chapters that kind of represents me, I also like how it started of with "it's an amazing day" and ended with this anyway I hope you liked that chapter sorry if anything was kind of triggering to you in this chap. but yeah what do you think guys

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