need to see a doctor

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"okay , remember when I asked you before to give me all the  codeine you have and everything with it's pay , well I don't remember if I told you that this was for my people in Mexico but it was ,and they called yesterday saying they need more and we're hoping if they could get a bigger batch this time ,they also want 100 M16 rifles ,and all that must be sent by tomorrow or after tomorrow,they said they will be paying for everything and would pay as much as you like and demand,soo what you think "rm finished then relaxed a bit his husband soothing him .why all the frustration and worrie?

"Joonie , honey ,you know me and you know how I work, don't get me wrong,I trust you and have worked with you many times before , that I know that you are just a way of connection between me and the actual buyers I can't work like that ,if they want shit from me they come and personally talk to me ,other than this I can't be giving you anything. besides ,the amounts you're talking about can't be shipped in a matter of 2 or even 3 days ,the amounts your talking about the only way to ship them overseas is by splitting them on 2 or more journeys"

Tae then finished and got up putting off the cigarette in hand and extending his arm for  rm to shake.

"It was nice meeting you again brother,if your people want there stuff,they come and talk to me ,iam not a child who takes indirect orders from .............. others" tae then gave a smirk shaking rm's hand then gesturing for the servent to lead them out .

"Wait wait ,I will call them ,and ask them to come how does this sound" rm quickly said ,he seemed worried and somewhat scared too

"Oh insisting I see ,well if they can come here and talk to me man to man I may try to make things work ,how does that sound ,oh and don't think that I will let this pass"tae worned.

During that whole meeting no one really noticed what jhope was doing and to be honest, good for him cause if tae caught him slaking out again in his first meeting training thing tae would be so pissed.

But jhope at that time was in another dimension,they were talking and all he was hearing was some mumbles and far voices,he couldn't seem to concentrate at all ,god he needs to go to a doctor, during that meeting no one even noticed that jhope had streched his arm and slid his hand in tae's pocket getting out that small box of cigarettes and smoking on one while he tried to listen to anything but apparently the bee stuck in the bush was more important.

"Jhope so what do you think ,I know it's your first time but I want to see how much you concluded from that meeting and if you have any........ suggestions, don't worry they would be useless but I just want to hear you ,.......not really"tae whispered the last words.

"Well................I need to see a doctor"jhope responded with a shrug.

"Soooo what you concluded from all this was that you need to see a doctor?"tae asked.

"Yeah ,..............I don't know man just whatever"jhope huffed.

"Jhope am noticing you're not taking this seriously,are you ? Cause if you are. god ,you don't know how bad I'll punish you "tae said anger slowly raising"and how did you get one of my cigarettes"

"Magical hands"jhope responded waveing his hands in a messy way in the air

"Just say you wanna get punished "tae shouted getting annoyed with the boy who keeps acting like everything is just ......... nothing.

"Ohhh mommy please don't,am just a little baby boy .what you gonna do man ha ?and why haven't you given up already on trying to threaten me or whatever"jhope asked  rolling his eyes.

"Oh yeah well am not your mommy ,am your daddy bitsh and you're acting like a bad boy who needs to get whipped,ever heard of spanking?"tae asked raising a brow.

"Would like to know ,show me ....'daddy' ...."
Jhope said smirking in an evil way a smirk similar to what tae is giving both raising a challenging brow at the other .

"Let's do this somewhere................. peaceful"tae winked, leading the way as the two boys headed back to the room they earlier came out of .

"And take my suit of don't want it to get damaged"tae said before the door slammed shut .

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,you know at this point am kinda excited for my own story like damn ............. 😏

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