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It's finally Friday. The end of the week. I'm pretty sure I aced my pre-cal test yesterday. And I got some sleep last night but not as much as I would've liked because mom and sad were arguing. More like mom complaining while dad tried to get some sleep before getting up really early for work.

My next class is Mrs. Sumner but I have to pee and I think I'll probably be late. I'm hoping not though because we have a quiz today and I don't want her to think I'm skipping.

Ugh! These bathrooms are disgusting they really need to clean them up. I fix up my hair and look at my face and head to class.

The bell rang right before I made it into the classroom. Which is unusual because I'm always early and Mrs. Sumner is always the one running behind. I sat down at my desk set my stuff down. Mrs. Sumner stood up. "Alright we have a quiz today! Clear your desks," she stated as she grabbed a stack of papers from her desk. After that she started handing out the quiz papers. "Can I talk with you after class?" she asked looking me in the eyes. I know she has a late policy, but it's literally the first time I've ever been late. "Um well yea... I'll just have to um let my parents know." I said nervously. What the hell did I do wrong? Is it because I was late? What the fuck? I get through my quiz and turn it in. I watch her as I walk up to the tray. I text my mom and let her know I have to stay after school. No response. She'll probably see it after it's too late.

After about 10 minutes of me just sitting there on my phone, which she did have a strict policy on, but I figured she didn't care since people were leaving after the quiz, I walked up to her desk. "Hey is there anyway we could discuss whatever it is now?" I asked in a hush whisper. "It's more of a serious thing that I would rather not discuss inside the classroom right now, with students still around," she told me looking me in my eyes, then scanning the room. There were only a handful of students left at that point. "Okay then, is there anyway I could get a pass to the bathroom?" I asked. My mind began to drift and wander on all the possible things that could be so serious we couldn't talk now, so that I wouldn't have to stay after school. "Of course," she said as a look of concern crossed across her face. Damnit, could I not keep my facial expressions to myself. As I turned around to scan the room everyone she filled out the pass. Everyone was so focused. I looked at my desk, so much closer to hers, still getting used to that. As I turned around she reached out the pass. She had put another smiley face by her name, maybe it was just something she did with all passes, there wasn't anything special about me, I thought.

I headed to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. My mind could not focus. It was going down so many paths of how this talk could go and I didn't even know what it was about yet!

The rest of the class goes by pretty quick. My heart won't stop pounding. What could it possibly be. The bell rings and there's only a few people left, including me, who don't drive or have friends in the class to offer them a ride. They get up to leave. She follows them out as I sit at my desk watching her. "Have a great weekend everyone!" She doesn't put the door stopper in and let's the door close behind her. She walks back to her desk and sits down. We sit in silence for about the next minute and a half. I just look nervously around the room. My heart is racing and my palms are sweaty.

Sorry short chapter.

My Teacher (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now