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Monday morning finally arrives and I head to my closet trying to figure out what to wear. The weather has started getting a bit cooler. I opt for some black leggings and a flannel with a white crop top underneath. The seamless crop top clings tightly to my breasts with its square neck shape. As I look through my oversized flannels I try to decide on a color: black, blue, pink, purple, yellow. I decided to go for purple and white and settle at my desk to do my makeup. I threw on some quick mascara and lip gloss. Recently I've realized how much better I feel with just the two little things. As I finish up I grab my school things and walk into the kitchen. Dad has made eggs and I'm not quite sure why he's home. As I sit down for some eggs he tells me that he is going into work in a few minutes and will be working till after 9 tonight.

As the bus arrives at school with a screeching halt,  I text Mrs. Sumner.
hey are you free to talk?

she quickly responds back
"Of course! Meet me in my room before breakfast is over."

As I walk to my locker to put my things away I see Mr. Sumner. He is talking with Ms. Harper, who is the girls' soccer coach. They seem to just be talking about sports. BORING. As I walk past him, back towards the cafeteria, I hear his footsteps pacing up behind me. As I keep my pace I begin to wonder whether or not to let him catch me or go in a completely opposite direction.

I turn the corner and walk into the bathroom. I walk in, look at myself for a few minutes and walk back out. He's nowhere to be seen.

As I turn the corner I see him and head towards the cafeteria. I feel him following me again and I decide to act as though I drop my pencil, I slow my steps. He picks up my pencil and hands it to me. I smile and he smiles back. Okay now to figure out what he wants.

"Oh, hey Mr. Sumner. Thank you!" I say smiling again as I study his face.  "Hey Brooke, where are you headed?" he says looking at me puzzled. I run through the options of 'breakfast' or 'your wife's room'. "Just back towards the cafeteria to grab some breakfast," I say, lying straight through my teeth. I usually never eat breakfast but I only ate the eggs this morning because I knew dad would appreciate it and it would advance his already happy morning. "Why let me join you!" He says it all cheerfully and smiles at me. What the fuck is wrong with this guy? I honestly don't know what he wants from me. He seems so intrigued and I don't know why.

"Well actually I needed to catch up on some homework before class." I tell him assuming he will leave me be and let a student work on their work as they should be. "Ohh you'll still have time, no worries," he says and begins walking towards the cafeteria. I follow behind and begin to think of the many conversations that I could have that would go okay.

As I step into the line I decide I'm going to skip the first hour so I can chill in Mrs. Sumner's classroom for the morning and talk with her after class. As he steps in line behind me I pull out my phone and text Mrs.. Sumner "help! cafeteria."

As we sit down with our biscuits and gravy, I begin to question Mr. Sumner. I don't mean to intimidate the guys but he's starting to creep me out a bit. "So do you always eat with students?" I ask, turning my head to look at him as I stuff a bite of biscuit into my mouth. "Sometimes, I feel like I never get the chance to really get to know students, especially students of my wife," he states, looking at me and smiling. "You're a smart girl, I can see that by looking at you." So that's why he followed me here? Just to get to know me. "That's sweet of you, getting to know students. And I am very smart," I say and look around trying to figure out what to change the subject to next. "So how's the football going?" I ask knowing this will definitely get him on a rant. "Well..." he starts. He follows with a bunch of nonsense as I pretend to listen and understand what he's talking about. I'm not really big on sports.

"Oh hey, look there's your wife," I say, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice. It was horrible listening to this man talk nonsense. He waved her over and smiled. As she approached the table, she stood beside me and rested her palms on the table, leaving forward. She smiled and looked down at me before looking at her husband.

"Well! What's happening here?" She asks, trying to assess the situation. "Oh, Brooke here was asking how football's going. However I don't think she is really interested," he smiles and bumps my shoulder. "You should join us. Food's really good," I say, widening my eyes, hoping she says yes. "Well sure let me go grab some." She walks over to the line. She's beautiful as always. She's wearing a black maxi dress with a lavender cropped crocheted sweater. Her ass looks great.

"So how's class been?" Mr. Sumner asks, taking a bite of his food. "It's been good, not too difficult yet." I say smiling. "That's good, so I've been meaning to ask you and I hope it's not too personal." He starts looking at me as he pushes his food aside. At that moment Mrs. Sumner comes back with her food and sits on the opposite side of me. "Oh yea sure," I say, shifting my body towards him.

"Are you gay?" He asks so seriously and yet with no facial expressions. "Oh well," I began trying to figure out how to answer the question. Not exactly something I would think he'd ask. I was thinking more along the line of family or friends.

"Babe! You can't just ask her that, it's not really any of your business," Mrs. Sumner says as she looks at me. "Well I asked her if I could ask a personal question and she said I could. She doesn't have to answer if she doesn't feel comfortable. I was just curious." He says defending himself. "Well I don't really like to put a label on it." I say hoping he'd get a hint that I wasn't straight but I didn't really wanna delve any deeper into the subject. "Oh okay cool," he says and grabs his plate. "Well I'm off to take care of some paperwork for the game coming up, so I'll catch you guys later." He stands with his plate and places a soft peck on Mrs. Sumner's cheek. She smiles as he walks away and then shakes her head. "I'm sorry about that. I don't know what that was about." She expresses as her eyes wander around the cafeteria. "Oh yeah me either but it's okay." I smile but I can see that she's thinking.

The bell rings for 5 minutes before first class and Mrs. Sumner stands up. "Well, I still want the deets on Victoria later. Meet in my room for lunch?"

"Sure, sounds good," I throw away my plate and head to my first class. I guess I'm not skipping.

Mrs. Sumner's POV
As I sit at my desk, I begin to wonder what would make Parker question Brooke's sexuality. I mean it's not like it's any of his business. Maybe he's just trying to set her up or put a word out for her. I don't know, that would be nice of him but not something likely. I feel that he's up to something. I guess I could ignore it for now.

I begin my lesson and think more about Brooke. We've  decided to meet in my room for lunch. I'm especially interested in what has her hooked on Victoria.

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