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I get up and put on the clothes I laid out the night before, a pair of ripped jeans with an oversized sweater. I can't find my heeled boots and just decide to go with my slip on vans. I grab my phone, my computer and my notebook and rush out the door just in time for the bus.

It's 7:08 when we get to school. I go to the bathroom to fix my outfit and hair. You look fine, Brooke. I head out the bathroom and to Mrs. Sumner's room.  Her door is shut, so I knock. A couple seconds later the door opens and my eyes meet the eyes of my beautiful teacher. "Good morning Brooke." She beamed with a smile. "Good morning Mrs. Sumner." I replied as my eyes went from her chest back up to her eyes. She was wearing a square neck shirt with puffy sleeves with a short black skirt. It was showing more than probably should be shown. Her chest is beautiful with small freckles all across. She led me to her desk as the door shut behind her. "Here you are," she stated as she handed me the worksheet. "Thank you again, Mrs. Sumner." "Anytime, Brooke." She smiled as her eyes trailed up my body.

I started to walk out the door when I turned around. "I couldn't stop thinking about you all weekend." I blurted out. My face was flushed. Did I really just say that? I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as Mrs. Sumner started walking towards me. I couldn't move. I was frozen in place. "Neither could I," she agreed as she placed her hand on my cheek. I let my head fall into her hand. She caressed my check with her thumb. I loved the way her small soft hands felt against my check.

I stepped closer to her. I wrapped my hands around her waist as she pulled me into a kiss by the loopholes of my jeans. Her soft lips. She tasted like coffee. Sweet coffee. "Mmph" a sound came out of my mouth as she slipped her tongue in. It was soft and I didn't fight it. I loved the taste of her. I pressed my body into hers. I could only imagine what she tastes like below. I could feel her heart racing.

I ran my fingers under the hem of her shirt. I could feel her soft skin. I felt her hands slip under my sweatshirt. Her small fingers search up my back and sides. I could hardly breath. She made small kisses on my ear and down around my neck. "Mmm" I let out a soft moan. I made my way up the inside of the back of her shirt. I could feel her bra line. I let my hands linger around to the front. I made a small squeeze to her boobs. They were bigger, I love that. "Uuhhh" she moaned as she threw her head back. I took the chance to kiss her neck and squeeze her breasts once more. She stepped back and pulled off my sweatshirt.

She picked me up and took me to her couch. I laid back as she straddled over me. I place my hands on her hips. She rocks them against me. I look up at her in amazement as she takes off her shirt. Her bra barely holding her breasts. She's beautiful. I run my hands up to her breasts. I hold her breasts over her bra and she places her hands over mine and puts her head back. I squeeze her breasts and run my hands back down her stomach to her hips. She leans in towards me and slides my bra strap down off my shoulder and kisses my collarbone. "mmmm mrs. sumner" I moan as her soft lips leave my skin each time. I miss her touch for the half second her lips aren't against me. As she moves to the other side my lips meet hers and out tongues fight. Our lips smashing and both of us trying to catch our breath.

KNOCK! KNOCK! Shit! Someone's at the door. We rush to put our clothes back on and fix our hair. "Coming!" She shouts rushing to find her shirt. I toss it to her and she fixes her hair on the way to the door. She turns around to make sure I'm dressed and I sit down at a desk. It's already 7:27 I guess I should be getting to class. School starts in 3 minutes. "Sorry about that guys, I was helping a student." She tries to get out without sounding out of breath. She puts the door stopper in and walks back to her desk. I grab my things and head to my first hour.

I'm still out of breath and trying to wrap my head around what just happened. Within the first couple minutes I ask to go to the bathroom. Miss Hims gives me a pass and I make my way to the bathroom. No one's in there thankfully. Usually the bathrooms are just filled with kids who are skipping class or just vaping. Once I catch my breath I head back to the classroom. We were just starting to go over our assignment. The rest of class is just notes and that flies by pretty quickly. I head to English and then lunch.

Lunch is crowded and I never eat so I decide to sit at a side table by myself. I work on my history worksheet so I can can still get my credit. I finish it and decide to watch some Grey's Anatomy.

BZZZ BZZZ! My phone vibrates on the table. I look down and see that Mrs. Sumner has texted me.

'hey...' I guess she's decided to let me know who it is with the "~Mrs. Sumner :)". I can't decide whether or not I want to reply.

'hi' I replied. I didn't know what I was supposed to text my teacher who's body is beautiful and tastes sweet every time I kiss her. What am I supposed to say to my teacher who I can't take my eyes off of whenever she's around?

'I'm in my classroom if you want to come and talk or just take a nap. ~ Mrs. Sumner :)'
What is she thinking? Does she not realize what happened earlier can't happen again? Whether we both want it or not. It's an inappropriate relationship, she's my teacher. I guess she did leave it up to me if I wanted to talk to her. I do like talking to her. She's a great listener and I want to know more about her. I'm interested in her as a person not just a beautiful teacher. Or I could just take a nap. I did go to sleep kind of late. I decide to head to her class, halfway through lunch.

I go to knock on the door when Mr. Sumner, her husband, who is also the football coach walks out of the room. "Hey," he said as he walked out paying more attention to the papers in his hand than anything else. I just smiled and caught the door. I walked in and set my stuff down on a desk. "Hi, Brooke." she smiled and looked up at me. "Hey," I replied with a smile. "I was actually wondering if I could just sleep for the rest of my lunch. I didn't go to sleep until almost midnight last night."

"Well that's pretty late. Of course you can. My blankets are all in the cabinet over here. Which one would you like?" She showed me all the blankets. She had a ton of them. They were all soft and bright colored. "This one is my favorite I usually nap with it after lunch since I have a free period." She told me laughing and showing her beautiful smile. I laughed with her, " If that's your favorite it must be a pretty good blanket." She handed me the blanket and two pillows. "Thank you again, Mrs. Sumner." I thanked her as I put the pillows under my head.

"Anytime, honey," She beamed as she placed the blanket over me and kissed my forehead. I smiled and closed my eyes. I could see now why she liked this blanket. It was a sherpa blanket. The inside was white and the outside was a lavender color. I closed my eyes. It smelled just like her.

"YOU NEED TO CLEAN THIS UP RIGHT NOW!" SLAP! I was crying and I started headed to my room when I heard footsteps coming after me. "BROOKLYN! DO YOU HEAR ME!" Mom was screaming at me. Tears rolled down my face and I couldn't breathe. "JUST SHUT UP FOR ONCE!" I screamed back. My voice was cracking and I couldn't think of anything. I went to my room, slammed the door and fell on my bed crying.

"Brooke. Brooklynn." I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and they were shaking me. I opened my eyes to Mrs. Sumner on her knees looking at me. I just started crying. I don't even know why I was crying, it was just a dream. "Are you okay?" Mrs. Sumner asked with a concerned look on her face as she help me sit up. "Yea, I'm fine," I told her as I wiped my tears, "sorry."

"Okay, you know you can talk to me. About anything. Or if you don't feel comfortable you can always text me. Anytime." She smiled at me as I looked down at her. She was still on her knees with her elbows on couch. She rested the side of her head on her fists as she looked at me. "Thank you. I'm fine." I replied as she stood up.
"Okay. Well the bell rang just a little before I woke you. Lunch is over. I can write you a pass to your next class if you would like."
"That would be nice," I shook my head as I stood up to grab my things. "Alright, well I'll see you in a few hours." She said as she went to sit down at her desk. I walked out the door and went to class. The teacher wasn't even there so it didn't matter that I was late or not.

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