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Brooke's POV
As I laid in bed thinking about what fun the following weekend would be, I thought about the lies I would have to come up with to suffice Mom. Dad on the other hand couldn't care less what I was doing. He wanted me to go out and have fun and live the teenage dream. He never had that much as a child so he always longed for that especially since I was an only child. As I walked out into the living room I thought about how to bring it up. Mom was sitting at the kitchen table scrolling on her phone.

"Hey Mom," I started, trying to make light conversation. She just looked up at me and smiled. What the hell was I supposed to do with that? "Got any plans for next weekend?" I asked, already knowing the answer. She had talked yesterday about how her and dad had wanted to go see her mom who lived a few hours away. They had wanted to go and see her since her health was starting to decline. And Dad insisted that they go see her and stay a little while because he knows how much Mom loves her mom. He went on to talk about how little he gets to see his mother because she lives in another country and how a few hours of driving would be worth it for Mom. "Oh well Dad said we would go see Grandma this coming weekend, did you want to go?" She asked after putting down her phone and getting more focused on the conversation. "Probably not, but I didn't know when you guys were going to be back?" I stated, opting out of using homework as an excuse. "We'll probably be back sometime Monday night or Tuesday morning. I'm thinking we'll leave Friday evening after Dad gets off work," she said looking off into the living room at Dad asleep on the couch. "Oh okay, sounds nice. I'm sure Grandma will be happy to see you guys. Does she know you're coming?" I asked, trying to stay on topic. After all, I may not have to bring up the party or figure out a lie.

"Well you know she'd be happy to see you too, she hasn't seen you since the beginning of the year," putting a sad confrontational look on her face. She always tries to guilt trip me when it comes to family. "Yea, I've just been really busy with school and studying. Trying to get ready for college," I say, hoping she lightens up. She's pushed college on me so much that I don't feel any room to breathe or even think about what I want for my future. "Yea, yea I know, I'm just saying she'd be so-"she starts again before I cut her off. "Listen Mom, I know Grandma would love to see me but my schedule has just been so busy with midterms and now getting into more lessons. It's really stressful. Speaking of school, I have some schoolwork I need to work on." She looks at me studying my face, "Okay sweetie."

I return back to my room and faceplant into my bed as my squishmallows plop into the air.

Just as I was leaving my room to get in the shower, Dad knocked on my door. "Hey Brooke, I know Mom and I are leaving this weekend so I just wanted to give you some money in case you need anything over the weekend Or just wanna go out with some friends." He hands me a handful of cash. I don't even know how much it is but it looks like way too much, surely too much that I'd need for the weekend. "Oh no Dad, it's okay really, this is too much." "No I really want you to have it, you don't have to use it but just in case you need it for food or something. I don't know, go do something you've wanted to do. Just take it, in case," he shoves the money in my hand and smiles. "Thank Dad, I really appreciate it."

"Alright we'll I'm headed to bed but also know you can use mine or mom's car anytime you wanna go anywhere." He closes the door behind him and I hear his footsteps retreat. I look at the cash in my hand. $300. What ever do I need $300 for? I hop in the shower and let the hot water take me away.


It's finally Sunday night and I can't wait for the week to be over so I can drink away my problems and show off my horrible dance moves. I'm still not entirely sure why Victoria invited me, but I'm excited to know what that night will bring. As my thoughts race it's brings me back to Mrs. Sumner. I really don't know what she thought about Friday. I obviously hadn't meant for any of that to be seen by anyone, especially a teacher. Especially Mrs. Sumner. She had played it off and I knew she was upset in the beginning but she said it was alright in the end. I've longed for her touch for so long.

When she touched my shoulder Friday in class, it was a touch that lifted everything that had weighed me down. Her slender, soft fingers gently resting on my shoulder as she guided me. Oh how I missed her.

As I snuggle myself into bed, I get a text. Mrs. Sumner.
    " I really hope you haven't worried about the incident on Friday. As I've said, it wasn't my place. However, maybe you could tell Jessica to show up to her morning class 😉. Goodnight Brooke, sleep well. " As I read the text a smile beamed across my face. I loved the thought of her fingers typing my name on her phone, as the light shone on her beautiful face.

I sent a quick text back.
    "thanks mrs. sumner, and of course i'd LOVE to tell jessica that the teacher that saw us in the bathroom told me to tell her to go to her class :)" I'm not so sure how well it would go over if I had told Jessica that the teacher that caught us in the bathroom had told me to tell her she should show up to class, or the fact that I have the same class.

Mrs. Sumner.
    "True, but I'm sure you'd enjoy her company. I could tell you did Friday. 🙈"

I can't believe she said that.
    "omg, i can't believe you! i'm definitely gonna leave this conversation for tomorrow. have a good night mrs. sumner."

I put my phone on the bedside table and cuddled against my body pillow and squishmallows. As I let myself drift asleep I only hoped for dreams of Mrs. Sumner and I enjoying our time together. However I was not lucky enough for any of that.

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