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Another family with a respectable, if dull, reputation is the Greyfair clan. Led by the Viscount Charles and his wife the Viscountess Frances, the family is known for its respectability and responsibility. Whilst they are never exciting, there is also never a whiff of scandal coming from their Mayfair home. They are generous to friends and welcoming to strangers. His Lordship the Viscount owns a successful winery that makes him the favourite of the English gentry.

The Viscountess is a polite, dignified woman who is always the voice of reason at events. Many admire her nursing her late father, the Baron Granger, in his dying days. She is a handsome woman.

The heir to the Greyfair name is the Lord William. Somewhat of a bohemian, Lord Greyfair enjoys painting, music and the company of London's young female singers. He is expected to wed at the next season and the mamas are already hoping to get their claws in. Will he be able to pry himself away from an easel for long enough?

The second brother is one Mr. Henry Greyfair. Not quite a rake, Mr. Greyfair is one of the least exciting eligible bachelors. That is no bad thing dear reader, for at least he will be a solid husband when he chooses to wed.

Our debutant is the third child and only daughter, Miss. Harriet Greyfair. One would not be able to describe Miss. Greyfair as plain by any means, but she does not have the looks of Miss. Cowper, Miss. Bridgerton or Miss. Thompson. Suitors would be delighted to know that Miss. Greyfair is a most talented musician and wonderful dancer. I hear her dowry is a good size. Unfortunately, Miss. Greyfair has yet to enchant any dedicated suitor.

Our youngest is Mr. John Greyfair. It will be several years before this young man enters the marriage market so eager mamas be aware.

- Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, 1813

Own Characters:

Miss. Harriet Greyfair- The protagonist, a sweet debutant who seems to have blended into the wallpaper. After a string of no luck, she catches the eye of Prince Friedrich

Lord William Greyfair- Harriet's eldest brother. He's a painter who is close friends with Benedict Bridgerton

Mr. Henry Greyfair- Harriet's second eldest brother. He's an academic and almost opposite of William.

Mr. John Greyfair- Harriet's younger brother. He's a teenager who is at Eton.

Viscountess Frances Greyfair- Harriet's mother. A firm but fair woman who is admired for her social graces.

Viscount Charles Greyfair- Harriet's father. A well-respected businessman.

Mr. Edmund Greyfair- Harriet's uncle, younger brother to Charles. A well-intentioned man with a like for booze.

Mrs. Hilda Greyfair- Harriet's aunt. She is married to Edmund and the mother of three sons. Hilda is Prussian.

Masters Hugh, Joseph and Robert Greyfair- Harriet's cousins.

Miss. Phoebe Carlisle- Harriet's best friend.

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