The Honeymoon Phase

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Two weeks into the marriage

Harriet sighed as she entered her study.

There had been so much to do. Firstly, she had to wait for her dress and gift for Phoebe's wedding delivered. Then there were the new fabrics for the receiving room curtains. On top of that she needed to plan the menu for her very first dinner at the home. There was also wallpaper for the servants' quarters and new seeds for the garden.

She probably drove the housekeeper Mrs. Stockton insane with her queries and questions. Harriet just wanted everything to be perfect. She was a princess. Princesses were perfect. Everything they did was perfect.

Her mother had always told her that there was nothing more valuable than a good housekeeper.

She heard a little 'brrrr' sound and saw a dog's head poke up from the sofa. It barked excitedly upon seeing her and rushed over.

"Mozart, come here."

Harriet had decided to name her new little dog Mozart. She was so grateful for the Queen's kind gift. Mozart was the most darling little thing. He was so soft and fluffy with a gentle disposition. Whenever he saw a human, he'd dash over for attention.

Mozart followed Harriet to the desk. He was still too small to jump up onto the seat with her so she had to bend down to scoop him up.

"Good boy," she let her fingers run through the thick fur, "You can sit with me whilst I read through my letters."

Mozart plopped his head in her lap. Harriet took the first piece of post on the pile and pressed the envelope against the letter opener.

Dear Madam,

Our names are Mrs. Green and Mrs. Warren of the Central London Domestic School for Girls. We firstly wish to congratulate Your Royal Highness on your marriage and hope that it will be a long, successful one.

The Central London Domestic School for Girls is an education centre for the girls of the local slums. We teach them domestic skills so that they may find honest employment and keep away from the sin of the streets. Our girls leave the school and enter service at respectable establishments.

We are always on the lookout for patronesses of good and noble character. The school would be honoured if Your Royal Highness would choose to be a patroness of our humble establishment. God has blessed us with charitable investors but there can never be enough.

If Your Royal Highness is interested or wishes to learn more, please write to us or call upon us at any time. Our address is listed atop this paper.

Yours Faithfully,

Mrs. Green & Mrs. Warren
Co-Heads of the Central London Domestic School for Girls

Harriet bit her lip. She knew that many society ladies took part in charitable endeavours. It was their Christian and civic duty. Her own mother and aunt were patrons of a lying-in hospital for poor women. Harriet supposed that it was something that she'd have to think about. She had to spend her days somehow.

Placing it to the side, she opened her next letter.

Your Royal Highness,

My name is Rev. W. Adams and I represent the Retired Sailors' League...

Another one!

As Harriet opened each letter, she found that every single one was asking for something. The majority were from charities or society women asking her to join a philanthropic cause.

Harriet hadn't got a clue what to do. She wanted to do something with her time but all of this was very new to her. Most of her training revolves around being mistress of the home. Nobody had really told her about social obligations. Well, they would have if they had expected that she'd marry a prince.



Friedrich walked in.

"You know that you do not have to knock. It is your house too."

"It is your personal space so I thought it would be proper. Are you busy?"

"No, come sit down. Mozart, come on, make way."

Mozart instead yapped excitedly at Friedrich, jumping up for attention. Friedrich smiled at the little dog and scooped him up so that he could sit down. This didn't seem to upset Mozart, who nuzzled between them.

It had been two weeks since the wedding and Harriet felt content but not satisfied. She'd initially chalked the wedding night up to nerves but the subsequent sex hadn't been amazing. Harriet was comfortable and Friedrich was gentle but it wasn't exciting. Even when he kissed her, she did not feel passion.

She was disappointed. Hilda had told her that sex could be fun and thrilling yet Harriet was yet to see it. Friedrich made her smile but she didn't feel any butterflies in her stomach.

Heck, she was luckier than a lot of wives in England. Many society husbands cheated and some even hit their wives. Friedrich was nice, wasn't an adulterer and they got along. Harriet should be happy.

Yet she felt strangely unsatisfied.

"What are you doing?"

"I am reading through the many, many letters begging for support."


"Letters from charitable organisation and philanthropic ladies asking for my patronage. They don't outright ask for money but it's what they'll eventually want. Goodness, I want to help but I don't know which cause to choose! There are so many causes. There're widows, orphans, injured and retired servicemen, the poor, the mentally feeble, the disabled, foundlings, unwed mothers, lying-in hospitals, homeless outreach, accommodation for fallen woman and food pantries. I didn't know that there were so many poor people."

"Well, let us think logically ehefhrua. What cause are you most interested in?"

"I like to think I generally care about the needy but there's nothing specific."

"How about where you can do the most good? Are there any charities that are smaller and could thus use a hand? The Foundling Hospital does good work and so do the lying-in hospitals but they are very popular and get lots of donations. Perhaps you can make some very good progress with something smaller."

"Hmmm," Harriet flipped through the letters, "That is a good idea. If you were a patron, what would you choose?"

"I would go with disabled soldiers."

"Well I heard that the home for unwed mothers is quite underfunded. There's a rumour that the Lady Featherington wanted to send Miss Thompson, sorry, Lady Crane there when she learned of her conditions. It's a good place for women who have fallen. Perhaps I shall call upon them."

"That is a splendid idea."

"It is too nice a day to be spent inside reading letters. Come, let us take Mozart for a walk in the park."

Mozart's ears pricked up at that.

"You're right," Harriet scratched behind Mozart's ears, "Let us walk."

As she got up, Harriet felt a twinge of guilt. She wished she could feel that passion and romance that she thought a married couple could have. Everything else was wonderful and she was so privileged. She just didn't feel real romantic love or even lust for husband.

All she hoped was that things would change.

Thanks again for all the support! We're at 33K so not long til the big 40K. Can we get there soon?

Next Time: Harriet faces her first major challenge as mistress of the household when a crisis downstairs occurs.

What do you think will happen? Check in next time to find out. Don't forget to like, comment, and read my other stuff xxx

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