Aches and Pains

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Harriet groaned as she woke up.

Now that her pregnancy was in its late stages, she was starting to feel the exhaustion. She wasn't sleeping well, which made her glad that she didn't share a bedroom with Friedrich. Each night she tossed and turned in a desperate attempt to fall asleep. It didn't help that her back ached all of the time.

Once again, she'd woken up with achy feet. Her ankles were swollen to high heaven. Every time she looked down, Harriet just saw how big everything had become. She couldn't even see her feet because her stomach hid it.

Oh, and her stomach had been hurting all night.

Thank God for pregnancy being an excuse to get out of everything. There was no way she could be on her feet all day. Besides, nearly everyone was at Aubrey Hall for the Bridgerton family's annual event. Rumour has it that the Viscount would finally propose to Edwina. As the events were winding down, it seemed that Whistledown was due. At least it would provide Harriet with a break.

God, she hoped that the Viscount had proposed to Edwina. It would get the Queen off her back at any rate.

There was a knock at the door. Mary entered with a jug.

"Good morning, Your Highness. Warm water for your bath."

"Oh, thank you," Harriet peeled open her covers.

"Are you still aching, Your Highness?"

"Yes, but a bath should help a lot. Could you please get my light blue dress out?"

"Of course ma'am."

Her feet and ankles still aching, Harriet stripped off behind the partition before climbing into the bathtub. Her neck rested against the rim whilst the warm water washed over her stomach and ankles. Warm baths were a godsend at these times. If she could, Harriet would spend the entire day just relaxing in the tub.

Unfortunately, she'd just turn into a prune if she did.

Right now, Harriet envied everyone at Aubrey Hall. She bet that they were having more fun, even if they were leaving to come back to London. Still, the thought of all that dancing made her feet ache even more.

Despite wishing for more time in the bath, Harriet knew that breakfast with Friedrich was ready. Once bathed and dressed, she entered the parlour with a drained smile.

Friedrich jumped up as soon as Harriet entered.

"Good morning dear," he had the chair out ready.

"Good morning," she kissed his cheek before sitting down.

"How did you sleep?"

"Terribly, once again. The doctor said that this was common but I did not expect it to be quite so draining. I could quite easily have slept in."

"Do not feel as though you must get up for breakfast. You should surely be able to sleep in when you are in the family way. I surely do not mind."

"I do not wish to shut myself away quite yet. Besides, we would not see each other quite as much if I did, and I would not like that. Mmm, eggs."


"Yes. Morning Mozart- no, you are not getting any of my kippers. Bad dog."

Little Mozart let out a whine before hobbling over to Friedrich.

"You won't get anything out of me either," Friedrich told his wife's dog, "Go sit. Honestly, he is quite the character. I don't think the dogs ever set foot in the house back home unless they were ladies' companions. The hounds stayed in the stables."

"I am sure that they did not beg for food either. Ah?
Mrs. Stockton. What is it?"

"A new Whistledown, ma'am."

"Oh good," Friedrich deadpanned.

Harriet sent him a playful look before taking it from the housekeeper's hands.

Dearest Reader,

Aubrey Hall brought us something no one, including I, saw coming. The Viscount Bridgerton announced his engagement not to Miss Edwina, but Miss Sharma. The shocking news came at the Hearts and Flowers Ball, with every guest in attendance. It was a surprise to everyone in attendance, apart from the Bridgerton and Sharma families it seems.

Miss Edwina seemed rather unsurprised at the news but not necessarily upset. Meanwhile, Viscount Bridgerton looked rather uneasy himself. Did he and Miss Sharma get caught alone together, thus forcing Lord Bridgerton to protect her honour through betrothment? He is not the type to leave a woman in scandal.

Get ready for a large wedding, readers, and a speedy one if rumours are to be believed.

- Lady Whistledown

Harriet's mouth dropped open.

"Anything good?"

"The Viscount is engaged to Miss Sharma."

"Is that not a good thing?"

"Not Miss Edina, Miss Sharma, the eldest."

"Oh, that is quite the surprise."

"Why yes it is. My goodness. It says that MissEdwina seemed unsurprised but not upset, which means she must have known or has a jolly good game face. What is he thinking? Miss Edwina is the Diamond. Perhaps Whistledown is right and the couple were caught in an uncompromising position. The Queen will be angered."

She threw her head back.

"It is hardly your fault. You could not have forced the Viscount and Miss Edwina into matrimony."

"The Queen will be most displeased. Her incomparable last season was supposed to marry you and her incomparable this was supposed to marry the Viscount. Oh to be a fly on the palace wall right now. Well, it did work out for us that Miss Bridgerton married the Duke last season, otherwise we may well not have wed."

"That is reason to be grateful. I am sure Miss Edwina will find a good match, especially with you as a mentor."

"I am just so surprised. The Viscount apparently dominated all of the time any suitor could get with Miss Edwina."

"Perhaps his affections lay with the elder Miss Sharma the entire time. Like you said, everybody expected him to propose to Miss Edwina."

"That may be true, but a girl like Miss Sharma is not supposed to marry a Viscount. She is the daughter of common parents, saved only by her stepmother's name and Lady Danbury's kindness. Well, that has really knocked me for a loop. Perhaps it is because I am tired. I can say that is has woken me up."

"Any other interesting details?"

"Not really," Harriet scanned the document before putting it down, "That outshines any other news. Are you dining with the Swedish ambassador's son today?"

"Yes. Actually, I may have to cut this short. I need to meet with Mr. Von Klost and he is always busy. Do not worry, I can finish my breakfast first."

The rest of the breakfast was uneventful, despite Harriet's continuing incredulity at the news. She needed to get hold of Edwina as soon as possible to get the details.

"I shall be off now," Friedrich eventually said, "Rest up."


"Yes dear?"

"I think you may need to call for the doctor."

"Why? Are you alright?"

"Just fine. I believe that my waters have broken."

The baby was coming.

Oh heck, it's time.

Next Time: It's labour time, as Harriet struggles through with the help of her female relatives.

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