Among the Flowers

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Dearest Reader,

It has been quite the week! The Duke of Hastings and Miss. Bridgerton have managed to obtain a special license so that they may marry sooner. They had initially been declined but the apparent intervention of Her Majesty the Queen apparently helped. It will be a small ceremony followed by a large reception at Bridgerton House. This author cannot tell you whether she has or has not been invited.

The Duke and Miss. Bridgerton are not the only couple in the ton. Albion Finch has reportedly taken an interest in Miss. Philipa Featherington. Let us hope this is true for her sake- she does not want a third season after all.

Possibly even juicer than the aforementioned conversation is the fact that Prince Friedrich was seen speaking to several ladies who performed well in the Trowbridge musical. He seemed to spend most time, however, at the house of Miss. Harriet Greyfair. It is little surprise when one considers her talent.

- Lady Whistledown

The greenhouse was beautiful.

Phoebe and Harriet were arm in arm, chatting happily. Phoebe had been so delighted for her. Having a prince call upon you was always something to be celebrated and Harriet had been suitably excited. Harriet had practically rocketed into the Carlisle house in a rather unladylike manner, though one could consider it understandable.

Hilda hadn't shut up either. Harriet had a feeling she  probably wouldn't for quite some time.

Strolling with her best friend amongst the flowers made Harriet very happy indeed.

It was a mainly female affair due to it being a flower show, though many eligible young men had been dragged by their mothers or other female relatives in order to pick their own flower. Everybody knew that these kind of events weren't ones in which many matches occurred.

At least it was a break of some kind.

"Miss. Greyfair!"

Harriet and Phoebe immediately curtsied as Prince Friedrich walked over.

"Your Grace."

"I am pleased to see you again," Friedrich looked flustered, as though he was not sure of his English capabilities, "I hope you are well."

"I am well, thank you, and am mutually pleased to see you."

Friedrich looked relieved.

"May I introduce my dearest bosom friend, Miss. Phoebe Carlisle?"

"Pleased to meet you, Miss. Carlisle. I am sure that any friend of Miss. Greyfair is worth knowing."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Phoebe and Harriet exchanged sly smiles.

Friedrich turned back to Harriet.

"Miss. Greyfair, I was hoping we could walk together."

Before Harriet could even open her mouth, Phoebe jumped in.

"Ah, I hear my mother calling me. Excuse me. Harriet. Your Highness."

Phoebe quickly curtsied again before rushing off in the opposite direction to where her mother is.

"She is quite something," Harriet chuckled, "I would be most delighted to walk with you."

She took Friedrich's arm and let him guide her down the greenhouse.

As they walked, Harriet could feel everyone watching  them with awe. It felt wonderful, she must admit. Women were told that they should be decorations and not the main display, but Harriet felt wanted. She'd never been desired like Daphne Bridgerton or Cressida Cowper. People liked her, but not enough. When she was on the arm of a prince, people noticed.

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