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Thanks again for all the support!

Got two stories ready for when this is finished: a story about a fictional cousin of Kate and Edwina and a non-Bridgerton regency tale of second love and meddling siblings. Let me know if you'd read them.

Dearest Reader,

Another engagement has come about this week. Let us congratulate Miss Lin on bagging the handsome Lord Dartmouth. A twenty year age gap is not too large, surely?

Meanwhile, our diamond Miss Edwina Sharma has seen a constant stream of admirers. I have heard that the season's most eligible bachelor Viscount Bridgerton is among them.

- Lady Whistledown

High society ladies were philanthropists.

That's what Harriet had been taught anyway. They did it to fill their days or to look good. Others genuinely cared. Harriet fell into that latter category. She felt it was her Christian duty to help the less fortunate. Her own mother often visited the Foundling Hospital.

In order to build her confidence, Harriet had invited several society ladies to her home in order to persuade them to invest in a new project. The Primrose Home for Unwed Mothers desperately needed expanding and they hoped to add a new location south of the river. Harriet felt it was essential in order to protect the vulnerable.

She'd worried about attendance but she hadn't needed to. A princess sending out an invitation meant guaranteed guests.

It was time. Harriet stepped out into the dining hall. Everybody immediately rose up in deference. She smiled politely in order to seem like she knew what she was doing.

Harriet case an eye across the room. Everybody who was everybody had turned out. The Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton sat with Miss Eloise and the Duchess of Hastings. Also in their row were Lady Mary, Miss Sharma and Miss Edwina. Phoebe was seated with her mother and sister, already looking exhausted having to speak with them.

The Cowpers were there too- they never missed a chance to socialise, even if it required charitable giving. Oh, Lady Featherington and Miss Featherington and Miss Penelope. Philippa Featherington was now Mrs. Philippa Finch and was likely on her honeymoon.

"Good day, everyone," Harriet tried to stop the quivering in her voice, "Please sit. Thank you all for coming. I know that many of you will be busy this season so I am grateful for taking time to come. I don't wish to keep you."

Phoebe sent her an encouraging smile.

"As you all know, I have recently become a patroness of the Primrose Home for Unwed Mothers. Due to a large amount of demand upon their services, they are hoping to expand to a second location. They are already stretched thin as it is and thus need both monetary and social support. The home is essential in ensuring women who have found themselves in a an unfashionable position are supported so that they do not harm themselves or their babies. The Bible tells us that we must help those in need. Each of us in this room is privileged in a way many aren't. Even then, not every girl who finds herself in the family way is from poverty. It happens to girls from our very own social class."

Lady Featherington shifted uncomfortably in her seat at the memory of her pregnant charge.

"We must be kind and charitable to those who have made mistakes. Women may have been deceived by the promise of marriage or been lied to in some other way. Not every man is honourable enough to propose marriage. It is important to give those who need it a safe place. A child born on the streets is more likely to die. It is not their fault that they were not born in wedlock. Children are innocent under God. They must be saved."

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