ch.v.:oh, the places you'll go (the town)

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Now, one thing about me? When shit hits the fan... imma go lay my ass down. While everybody was running around and shit 'cause the lights were out, I turned on my phone flashlight and found the bed. I was nearly knocked out when the lights came back on. Pissed? I should've been, because after that, I was no longer able to find that hole that Alice fell through.

I had heard the commotion over Javi and somebody in a closet or something a few hours ago, but since then the house has been quiet. I don't think everyone went to sleep, but they definitely chilled out. This is my favorite time of a trip— when everyone is done acting wild and being social and just wants to relax and enjoy the scene. Some may be riding out and some are knocked out. Me though, I'll always be somewhere in between.

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling wishing I was still one blink away from falling into a deep coma type sleep, still waiting for that falling into a spiral feeling to consume my body the way it usually does when I'm this tired, but I keep getting the feeling that somebody is watching me or thinking of me and my mind is on high alert. I really couldn't give two flying egg rolls if someone was watching me right now, I'm tired as fuck. I would like to go to sleep.

I haven't been around this many people in at least two months. It just be me, granny and Grandaddy in that house all day. Sometimes Tweet come over and maybe my mom every now and again. These last two days alone I've had more than my share of socializing. I've had enough to last me the next three months. Thinking of the day I had made me think of my granny. Around this time of the day, we'd be sitting on the couch watching something slow on Netflix while we talked about our day or something we heard about that day. I took my phone out to call her and my phone dinged with a message from a Javi before I could.

He was asking me if we could talk for a minute. I walked over to the room he was in not even thinking of the rumors that had been flying around about the two of us. I sat on his bed but ended up laying right beside him because of how tired I am. And, I don't know who furnished this li'l cabin situation, but I need to know what types of mattresses these are. As soon as I laid on Javi's bead I was quite literally ready to melt.

Javi was laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling and wasn't even half as relaxed as I was. I've been in here for about five minutes and neither of us have said anything past 'what up' when I first came in.

"I'm supposed to be proposing to Tyra next weekend." He said casually, with nothing following. It was quiet again for two more minutes. My eyes were closed at this point, but I was still listening.
"We were set up by our parents. They been friends since college and the believe that shit about 'keeping it in the family'"


"Nigga. What? No, I'm talking about money, man."

I nodded my head even though there's no way he would've seen me do it. He went on anyway.

"It was always the plan."

"But you're gay."

"Shut up. I'm not saying that I am or I'm not, I just don't really know what I am or whatever. That's not the point. The point is Tyra is literally the only girl I ever went out with. Had you-know-who not ever talked to me, I would not be questioning making a life with Ty. I'd still be a virgin too."

Suddenly, I wasn't tired anymore and I sat straight up, looking over him as he laid there, flat on the bed. "What?" I asked, getting no response from him. "Chance?" I whispered, "Is the first person you been with? Nigga, how you-"

"Come on, man."

"Nah, I'm not judging. I'm not. I'm not." I said, waving my hands back and forth in defense. Now, we were both on high defense. I was shocked and I think he was too that he'd said this to me. A person he doesn't really know. Besides us having mutual friends, we don't talk to eachother. I just got this dude's number when I was with him and his crew the other night and we've been mutuals for at least five years. That says it all right there. And now, he's telling me deep dark secrets like he's cheated on his future fiancé with some nigga before he even seen the girl naked?!

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