Chapter 3

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"Ha! You gotta pay up!" Y/N grins, holding out her hand for the play money.

"This would be more fun if we used real money," Jeff complains.

"She's killing us! That would not be more fun," Liu groans as he counts out the money he owed Y/N. "How'd you get so good at this game?"

"Years of slumber parties," Y/N hums with a smile. "Lots and lots of slumber parties."

"Really? You were invited to slumber parties?" Jeff asks her with a snicker.

"I'll have you know I was the greatest friend out there," Y/N gasps, feigning offense.

"Sounds like something someone without friends would say," Jeff laughs.

"Rude," Y/N laughs. "Everyone wanted to be my friend because my parents bought me whatever I want."

"And the truth comes out," Jeff snickers.

"What can I say? I was born lucky," Y/N smiles. "I could buy myself as many friends as I wanted."

"What about boyfriends?" Liu asks curiously.

"Those were harder to buy. When your girlfriend can out buy anything you purchased most people tend to avoid her," Y/N tells them with a shrug. "Besides, never really been interested in a partner. I'm happy enough by myself."

"Then why do you try to interact with everyone?" Jeff asks.

"I can't spend my life by myself forever. Besides, I kinda like you two," She says.

"Only kinda?" Jeff snickers.

"Just a teeny-tiny bit," She smiles.

"Good thing we like you just as much," Liu smiles.

"Lucky me," Y/N chuckles. "Alright, you two go pick out a movie."

"Superhero movie!" Liu cheers as he leaps from his chair and runs into the living room.

"Y/N? Why do you like us so much?" Jeff asks her.

"I've helped raise you guys since you were little. You're like my little brothers. I want to protect you both," She tells him gently as she cleans up the board games.

"But so many siblings hate each other?" Jeff tells her.

"That's not the case for all siblings and the time may come when you two do hate me but we'll get there when we get there," Y/N tells him gently.

"You'll never hate us? No matter what?" Jeff asks.

"You could murder me and I'll never hate you guys. I promise," She says, holding out her pinky.

Jeff looks at her with wide eyes before he smiles and wraps his pinky around hers, getting down from his chair and heading into the living room. Y/N gets the games cleaned up and makes popcorn before the three of them settle on the couch with a movie. The boys end up falling asleep, the two of them leaning against Y/N as they snore softly beside her. She gets the foot rests propped up and covers the three of them with a blanket relaxing back with a tired yawn. She switches off the television and plunges the living room into darkness, the three sleeping soundly on their Saturday night. In the morning Y/N makes everyone breakfast and they all binge watch a random show that's airing on one of the channels, Y/N typing away on her computer as the boys are glued to the television.

"What are you doing?" Liu asks once the commercials start.

"Writing a romance novel?" Jeff teases with a grin.

"I wish," Y/N laughs. "I'm editing reports."

"That sounds boring," Liu complains. "Watch the show with us instead."

"Can't, these are due tomorrow. Gotta get them done today," Y/N tells them. "I only have a few more to do."

"Can we go to the park once you finish?" Liu asks her.

"Sure, I don't mind. We can ride our bikes," Y/N tells them with a smile.

"Yes! We can go to the skate park! I've managed to master my jumps!" Jeff gasps excitedly.

"What are you gonna do if there's no skate park at your new home?" Y/N laughs.

"Make our own," Jeff points out as if the answer was obvious.

"Hmmm, proactive," Y/N compliments. "We'll figure it out."

What was she saying? She was willing to uproot her entire life for these boys. She couldn't explain why. They just meant the absolute world to her. She guessed it was because someone loved her unconditionally. These two looked up to her and cared for her. Something her parents had failed to do. She was allowed to care for them and spoil them in any way that she wanted. They weren't spoiled. None of them knew what it was like to have parents be proud of you. Y/N knew their parents didn't care for them in the way they were supposed to and she wished she could take them away but she couldn't. She would have to settle with taking care of them in the little ways that she was able to. Maybe she should move even if their parents refuse the idea of her living with them. She just wanted to make sure they would be okay.

A soft sigh leaves her lips as she types away at the computer, the boys noticing her shift in mood. Y/N didn't really have anyone that she could rely on and that made them want to be there for her. She was an adult so there were obviously things she couldn't talk to them about but that didn't mean she couldn't talk to them about other things! If something was troubling her then they wanted to be there to listen and support her! She was their big sister and they were going to make sure they returned all of the wonderful care that she had given them! At last Y/N finishes the last of her work and the three of them ride their bikes to the park. Jeff and Liu show off their skills on their bikes as Y/N watches over them with a smile.

As the sun sets in the distance they head home, Y/N getting them fed and ready for bed. They had school in the morning so she had to make sure they got enough sleep. She was the ever caring and gentle caregiver. Selflessly helping those in need even as her own life passed her by. Maybe they should start keeping and eye out for other adults? See if they couldn't find her someone else she could rely on? Another adult that she could care for and love? Y/N truly wasn't interested in finding a partner for herself. She enjoyed her solitude and her focus was on Jeff and Liu. She had hardly enough attention to give another adult.

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