Chapter 15

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"I'm going to let you out now," Doctor Smiley declares, everyone looking over the struggling killer in his bed. "If you attack anyone you're going right back under and into the restraints."

"Tch, fine," Jeff snaps in annoyance.

Doctor Smiley moves and releases the restraints, Jeff rubbing his red wrists as he glares at evegrone. "Where's Y/N?"

"Sleeping. We don't intend to let you near her alone," EJ declares. "So don't even try it."

Jeff clicks his tongue but nods in understanding, folding his arms in front of him.

"You caused quite a bit of trouble," Slender declares. "You're lucky I didn't end your existence."

"You'd have been doing me a favor," Jeff spits back.

"Jeff, you don't mean that," Liu protests.

"You should have just died too!" Jeff snarls at him.

Liu pulls back as he frowns, feeling anger boil inside of him. "Slender should have just left you for dead!"

"What if I wanted him to?! You should have both done the world a favor and died!" Jeff spits at him.

"What's all the commotion?" Y/N mumbles sleepily as she pushes to the front of the crowd. "Oh! You're awake!"

Jeff clenches his fists before lunging forward at Y/N who's quick to dodge him. Jeff slams into the wall with a groan when everyone separates to avoid being grabbed. He scrambles to his feet and attempts to lunge at Y/N again, everyone quick to step in and wrestle him to the floor.

"I'm going to end you! You're the last piece to make it all okay!" Jeff screams as he struggles and kicks.

"But you were the one who wanted me to come along in the first place!" Y/N snaps as her eyes fill with tears.

"I wanted all of you to die! To finally be free of these pathetic feelings of love!" Jeff hisses out, practically foaming at the mouth. "I'll end you and then Liu! Be rid of you both!"

Liu grows angry and kicks Jeff in the head, Jeff grunting in pain and spitting out blood from having bit his tongue. "We should be rid of you instead!"

"You're not like me. You've fooled them into believing you're a killer. You're still just a scared little boy!" Jeff laughs. "They'll know the truth!"

"You're nothing but a meanie," Sally snaps at Jeff. "We should put him in the dungeon!"

"Or let me fight him," Y/N suggests.

"What?!" Everyone snaps in protest.

"If I win Jeff has to learn to live with us but if he wins then either I die or I leave," Y/N suggests.

"Absolutely not. It's not happening," Slender protests.

"Please?! I can hold my own! Give me this chance!" Y/N pleads with him.

Everyone exchanges looks with each other before looking between Y/N and Jeff. They didn't want to lose their big sister. It had only been a few weeks but she had already settled a place in their cold dead hearts.

"Give her the chance!" LJ chirps suddenly. "I have a feeling she won't lose."

"What do you say Jeff?" Y/N asks him.

"Fine but you won't be walking away from this alive," He growls in warning.

Everyone heads outside, Y/N and Jeff each armed with a knife. They circle one another as they wait for the other to move, Jeff finally having enough and lunging at her. Y/N is quick to dodge and slashes her knife against his side, Jeff snarling and rolling in the ground before he scrambles back to his feet. He darts after Y/N over and over again but she continues to dodge and slash at him, both panting heavily as they glare at one another after a while. Jeff grabs his knife by the blade and catches everyone by surprise when he throws it.

"Y/N!" Sally screams, Y/N suddenly disappearing as Jeff's knife lodges in a tree.

He looks around before grunting in pain when a heavy mass falls on him, Y/N's knife pressed hard against his neck. "I win."

The pastas gasp in complete shock as Y/N gets back to her feet and retrieves Jeff's knife. She pulls it out and walks back over to him and hands it to him after he gets up.

"How did you....?" Jeff trails off in shock.

"I've picked up a few skills. You're not the only one who has wanted to fight me," Y/N tells him gently. "Jeff, we're finally home. You don't need fight anymore. We're exactly where we're supposed to be."

Jeff lunges forward and wraps Y/N in a tight hug, his knife dropping to the ground as he holds his big sister. He trembles as tears stream down his cheeks, Liu hurrying over and wrapping both in a tight hug.

"Can you two ever forgive me?" Jeff sniffles softly.

"We already have," Y/N assures him with a smile.

Everyone sighs in relief and begins heading back into the mansion, LJ hanging back with Y/N as they watch everyone. "You cheated."

"What they don't know won't hurt them," Y/N chuckles. "Thanks for the candies."

"Know that this means you're my designated guinea pig," He tells her.

"I can accept that," She giggles softly. "Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving."

LJ chuckles as the two follow the rest of the pastas inside. At last a family was reunited and the pastas had someone great to look up to. Y/N L/N, the big sister of the creepypastas.

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