Chapter 16

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"FUCK!" Y/N shouts, the kitchen suddenly filling with smoke as the dish she was attempting to make suddenly catches fire, scrambling to throw open the window.

"Y/N! Language!" Slender protests as he helps get the other windows open. "It's alright. Garlic burns easily."

"I know but I should be used to it by now!" She huffs softly as she works to scrape the burnt food out of the pan. "I'm better than this."

"Relax, you're anxious. It's easy to make mistakes," Slender assures her. "They're just my brothers. You don't need to impress them."

"Easy for you to say," She grumbles, setting the pan back on the stove with a sigh.

"Y/N," Slender speaks softly, resting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You should have gone with everyone."

"I......don't like the beach very much," She admits softly.

The entire mansion had gone on their regularly scheduled vacation, Jeff and Liu all for it when Slender made the announcement. To everyone's surprise the usually chipper and adventure ready Y/N immediately declined but would say why other than the reason she didn't like the beach because of the sand. She tried to claim she hated the deep water too but everyone knew of her love of biology, all branches making her excited, even marine biology, so it was easy for everyone to detect that lie. Even Jeff and Liu couldn't explain it as they never thought about it when Y/N didn't come to the beach with them in Louisiana. Usually it was a 'family' trip or she was busy with babysitting or something so it never crossed their minds she was avoiding the beach.

"Why not?" Slender presses gently.

He knew Splendor wouldn't be happy as the beach vacation usually happened around the regularly scheduled Brother Bonding Week as his brother liked to call it. Splendor insisted they take at least a week out of the year and spend time doing brotherly activities with just the four of them ever since they all started living on their own. They were always together for holidays and whatnot but Splendor insisted the four of them just had to get together and spend a week with just the four of them. Much to Slender's surprise his youngest brother didn't actually mind Y/N interrupting it as the three of them were ready to meet the new member of the mansion they had heard so much about.

"I.....don't like how I look," Y/N mumbles softly as she starts the dishwasher. "

"Y/N," Slender presses, resting a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"I know, I know, it's stupid. I'm sure you've noticed I never swim. It's been years but I was made fun of a lot as a kid. Shocking right? I never seem to care what people think but when you grow up hearing you're ugly every time you put on a swimsuit it tends to stick," She huffs softly, carefully sautéing the vegetables. "I always thought I was plain but everyone quickly shattered that reality."

"I did notice you tend to wear long dresses and jeans even though it is summer. I just figured it was a preference," Slender remarks. "They're gonna pester you when they get back you know."

"Please, I grew up with Jeff and Liu. How bad could a few extra be?" She asks with a snort of laughter.

"You have no idea what you're in for," Slender chuckles. "You are beautiful. You should try to step out if that comfort zone."

"You're one to talk about comfort zones," An unfamiliar voice comments. "You and your suits. I try to get him to wear different things and he complains it's 'just not me' and whatever. I'll make you an outfit you'll find full confidence in!"

"And that would be Trender," Slender growls in annoyance. "Y/N, meet my brothers. I'll take over dinner."

Y/N goes to protest but yelps in surprise when she's suddenly pulled from the stove and captured in a bone crushing hug.

"Hiiiii! I'm Splendor! I've heard sooooo many good things about you! You seem to be so sweet! I don't mind such a nice person encroaching on our annual brother time!" Splendor chirps happily.

"Don't kill her!" Trender scolds as he steps in to rescue Y/N who gasps for breath.

"Th-Thanks!" She gasps with a laugh. "It's nice to meet both of you!"

"Hoggin' 'er already? I'm surprised at you two,". A deep voice purrs, Y/N yelping when she's suddenly missing the ground and being held bridal style. "Hey there pretty lady. Name's Offender. Wanna get out of here?"

"Oh no you don't!" Splendor protests, Y/N yelping when she's suddenly wrapped in Splendor's arms again.

"H-Hey! I'm not a rag doll!" She protests with laughter. "It's nice to meet all of you. Sorry to butt in on your time together."

"Not at all! Someone so kind and polite can butt in anytime! What are you two making?!" Splendor chirps.

"Grilled chicken with sautéed vegetables and baked potatoes," Y/N tells him. "Although I can't seem to get the hang of the vegetables."

"She likes to cook on high heat," Slender explains as he turns off the stove, Y/N hurrying over to admire the cooked veggies. "She just hasn't figured out how to do it with garlic."

"Don't let 'im get to ya. He's cocky when it comes to this shit," Offender snickers. "I look forward to the rest."

"She refused to let me help with the rest of it," Slender hums, a soft smile on his face where he had let his mouth free.

He knew Y/N had a hard time without facial expressions so he tried to leave his mouth unsealed during their conversations. He could tell she relied heavily on body language and facial features when it came to spending time with people. Part of the niceness she had developed over the years in ensuring she didn't press any unnecessary buttons. Slender could tell she was careful, even after having her and the Woods brothers here for six months and the entire mansion loving her, she was still careful. Slender hoped she'd learn to relax around everyone but he knew this would take time. Everyone was a killer after all and he could see the fear in her eyes. He knew there was a killer back there but it would take some coaxing. Fortunately, now that she was part of the mansion they had a while to get there.

"Shall we eat?" Slender asks, Y/N smiling and wasting no time getting the chicken and potatoes onto plates.

Slender scoops the filled plates up with his tendrils and sets them on the table, the five of them settling down to eat. Perhaps his brothers could assist him in bringing out the killer she so carefully kept tucked away.

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