Chapter 13

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Y/N groans softly when she finally stirs, shifting and snapping to attention when she hears the rattling of chains. She tries to move her arms but they're sore and heavy, stuck behind her back. She shifts to her feet and tugs at the chains pinning her to the wall, looking around at the dark dungeon she was in. A frown comes to her lips as the smell of rotten flesh meets her nose, trying not to gag as she tugs at her chains. She sighs when she gets nowhere, sitting back on the ground and slumping against the wall. Where was she? Had Jeff gotten a hold of her? If so then how did he find a place like this? She tenses when she hears a heavy door open and then footsteps clicking on the concrete, holding her breath.

"Y/N?!" A familiar voice cries as the light of a flashlight blinds her.

"You know her?" A deep voice growls out.

"She's my big sister!" Liu explains. "Please! Let her go! She won't do anything to us!"

"I am not sure she can be trusted," Slender growls out.

"I swear she can. Please Slender, give her a chance?" Liu begs.

She hears a sigh and the light moves down, blinking as she works to focus on the two men in front of her.

"Don't try anything human," Slender growls in warning, his hands working to remove her chains.

"LIU!" Y/N cries as soon as she's free, enveloping him in a tight hug. "Where are we?! How'd we get here?!"

"I should be asking you those questions!" Liu laughs as he hugs her.

"How did you even stumble across my forest?" Slender demands.

"It wasn't intentional. I was running from Jeff and I fell in the river," Y/N explains. "I'm sorry for the trouble."

"You were with Jeff?! Are you insane?!" Liu cries in shock. "What were you thinking?!"

"I couldn't be away from either of you!" Y/N reasons. "I know I'm crazy for it."

"He's been nothing but a trouble maker," Slender complains.

"Yeah, sorry about that. He's determined to take you down," Y/N admits. "He's not a bad kid, he's just learning how to adapt to his new feelings I guess?"

"Come, you must be hungry. You've been out for nearly three days," Slender explains. "And it's time we changed your bandages."

"It'll all be okay!" Liu smiles, grasping Y/N's hand before she's led through the dark dungeon and finally up a flight of stairs.

She narrows her eyes when the light suddenly blinds her, blinking them to adjust to the light again. She grasps Liu's hand as they travel through what seemed to be a mansion, huddling closer to Liu when they walk through a living room and everyone stops what they're doing to stare.

"Hey everyone! Meet my big sister!" Liu chirps excitedly.

"Big sister?" A girl with a clock for an eye asks in surprise.

"Not biologically. She's helped take care of me and my brother ever since we were little," Liu explains.

"Hi, I'm Y/N," She waves shyly. "It's nice to meet you all."

"You're so pretty! Are you gonna stay?! What's your favorite method of killing?!" A little girl in pink gasps out.

"Awww thank you. It's up to your" Y/N asks, looking at Slender confused.

"Daddy can she stay?! Pretty please?!" Sally begs.

"I have to be sure she'll fit in here," Slender informs her.

"But she's helped Liu already. She fits in just fine?" A man in a blue mask reasons.

"I don't want to cause any trouble," Y/N sighs softly. "I understand if I'm not wanted."

"I never said that," Slender sighs. "Look, I don't usually keep non-killing humans here. Forgive my reservations," Slender explains gently.

"Oh! That's not a problem! I can....ummmm.....cook, clean, sew, and babysit," Y/N explains with a smile.

"She's good at anything," Liu chuckles. "Please slender?"

"Very well, I'll give it a couple weeks. If she's not a good fit her memory will be wiped and she'll be sent back to the human world. It's the least I can do for you," Slender explains.

"Deal!" Liu smiles.

"I'm EJ," The male in the blue mask introduces.

"I'm Sally!" The girl in pink answers.

She's suddenly bombarded with a mix of names and greetings, the smile never leaving her lips as she greets everyone in return. Once the introductions are out of the way Slender ushers her to the kitchen so he can get her fed and her bandages changed. EJ comes in with a medical kit and gently unwraps her arms, her eyes widening at the numerous stitches covering her arms. Jeff really did a number on her. EJ gets her arms cleaned up and rubs Neosporin over her arms before bandaging them once again. After, Slender sets a sandwich down in front of her and she wastes no time digging in.

"What are we going to do about Jeff?" Liu asks Slender curiously.

"I'll give him what he wants and get him to agree to live here," Slender explains with a shrug of his shoulders. "Shouldn't be too hard to get a hold of him."

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" Y/N asks hesitantly.

"Relax, I won't kill him and I'll ensure he doesn't harm you," Slender assures.

Y/N nods with a gentle smile, just happy that she might actually have both of her boys back. Once she finishes her sandwich she gets up and washes her plate, surprising Slender when she washes the rest of the dishes in the sink as well. Once she's done she turns back to them with a smile.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to stay here without being a killer?" Y/N asks Slender.

"You seem to belong just fine so I'm willing to give it a shot," Slender assures her gently. "Just make yourself at home alright?"

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