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n. this trailer is the official one for Dust Bones because it just literally blew my mind. i've seen so many of them and they're all so amazing. so thank you so much.

this one is by moonxriver. thank you lots! :)

mature content (again ok i feel no regret. this probably the dirtiest too i am so sorry mom)

It was guaranteed that Harry's reaction to Jinx's odd behavior was going to make things tense. I wasted no time in immediately thinking Jinx is the flaw, but in Harry's mind he's both that and a threat to his love for me. I try not to let his controlling demeanor take its toll for he's one to take control at vast ranges.

"How are you feeling? Quite famished?" My father comments at the dinner table. One that is long and polished to glisten with perfection. He sits at the very end of it and I across.

I look up after nearly inhaling my food. The faster I ate, the more I wanted to eat. I was starving, hardly noticing my lack of desire to eat these past few days. I was only glad I was able to.

Around the room stand a few guards, one of them being Harry. He stands still against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. He wears a mic in his ear. A freshly washed, tucked in black button up, black pants, and black shoes. The whole team's got their dress code back.

My eyes avert to my almost empty plate. "I'm fine, thank you." My response is short and quick. Proper because if not he'd think I was trying to hint some anger or some secret. Therefore, I act like there's nothing wrong.

Not that I don't trust my father. It's only because I'm for once trying to choose the best option. With thoughts such as Harry actually back stabbing me, or my father wanting to give me up for the sake of his money and power...I don't think anything I do now is right.

Running away won't fix anything. I will most likely be taken within hours of my escape and brought to Fray himself. At least with Harry, I know there's a huge chance that I will be safe.

The soft clink of silverware and the tense silence appears once again.

He nods slowly, taking a napkin and wiping the corners of his mouth. "Very well, then. How are you doing with reading and studying?"

I wish I could angrily tell him the truth. That my version of reading and studying has now become being wrapped up in sheets as Harry profoundly pleasures me and makes me his. That'd really blow off some steam...literally.

"They're going well," I respond lightly, picking up my fork and separating the salmon from the mashed potatoes. "How's mom?" I ask him suddenly.

He stops dabbing the corners of his mouth, placing it back on his lap with a stolid facial expression.

"You know I don't associate with her. I don't know what that woman is up to, and you should not be worrying about her either," he coldly says.

I bite harshly the inside of my cheek. Through a clenched jaw, I say, "You know she's my mother. I have the right to hear from her."

"I don't want to hear this --"

"'Course you don't! You never do. My words are the plenty of dead bodies you're responsible for," I boldly remark, instantly regretting it.

He stands up quietly, his chair not as soundless as the rest of the bodies in the room. I tense up when he announces, "Your mother is a weak, emotional bitch. She ran away!...and left me with you and Paige because she was careless. She was a mistake, and I can't bear to let mistakes distract me. And shut your mouth before there are consequences."

Dust Bones [Harry Styles]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz