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        chapter song; Angels by The XX (Huglife Remix)

        After that tea incident, the first week spent here together was among the worse I have ever experienced while being relocated. Constant arguing over small things, throwing mugs into sinks, and refusing to make tea. It all sounded ridiculous, but it occurred. And it happened frequently. Harry always ended up winning against me, and I'd pay the price for firing up the argument.

        I slept in one room, him in the other one across. We would try and avoid talking to each other as much as possible, but it would happen anyway. He said some things, I said some things, we end up arguing, and then again he's throwing me over his shoulder or carrying me as a way to force me into doing what he wants. 

        He dominates and abuses his power. And I could only helplessly lose to him every time.

        As of right now I was sat at the table, legs crossed and just about to bring the fork up to my mouth when I peered up at Harry. He chewed his food slowly and tightly, green eyes narrowed in nothing in particular until he met my gaze.

        It was quiet and it seemed to drag on for hours when really we sat for seconds. I stared, and he did the same. There was so much fury between us both, it was nearly a stench. Nonetheless, I continued to eat, chewing slowly as he took a fast bite out of the bread he had been eating, all while glaring into my eyes.

        "Why are you staring at me like that?" I questioned lowly.

        "You stared at me first, Cata."

        Another thing was he began calling me 'Cata'. As soon as he said it, my arm twitched from the urge to hit him with it. The more he said it, the more hatred I'd grow for it. It wasn't just the fact that we were giving each other nicknames now. We barely had the decency to acknowledge that until we'd come out winners.

        Too bad we both wanted to win.

        "You're a freak," I murmured.

        Harry's jaw clenched. "I have an Egyptian scroll full of things you are," he spat sarcastically, "I can name them all, but you'd probably start crying."

        "Jerk," I murmured beneath my breath, flickering my eyes away from him and looking at the food on my plate. Inside, I know I'm hurt by the things he says and how he acts. By now, however, I'm beginning to become accustomed to his ways, and I rarely pay mind to it anymore.

        The silence prolonged. I studied the food with little interest, too busy thinking of ways to fall asleep. Usually, falling asleep became such a hassle when I didn't know if I would wake up and be secure. I felt unsure and afraid to close my eyes whenever it came down to it. My body lacked fuel, therefore inflicting bad focus.

        It began to show in our training sessions. After four days however, I had finally began to do things correctly, and Harry was beginning to move on to actual hand-to-combat that we'd start tomorrow. 

        I went to dig into my food again with my fork until Harry snapped, "Stop clinking your fork with your plate. That is so fucking irritating. Who taught you how to eat? A pig?" 

        My heart began to race with pure fury as I flickered my eyes in a glare to him. "Oh wait?" I mocked, "That's not true. You never taught me how to eat." 

        Harry angrily chewed, sparing my eyesight when he looked away and stood up. I thought he would do something violent, but he nearly shattered his empty plate as he put it down in the sink, and of course leaving it there as a signal that I should be the one to clean up after us both. 

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