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"What?!" I screamed, my eyes couldn't widen any more than they already were. I'm sure if it was possible they'd fall out of my eye sockets. In that instance, I was frozen to my seat, my hands spread against each of my knees. My head was turned as I stared at Harry with a futile expression of worry and fear. "I don't mean to sound like a coward, but there is a fucking bomb ticking on the car!"

Harry -- as usual -- disregarded every single word I panted or shrieked. He understood I was most likely afraid and inexperienced. Thankfully, he does have the experience. He knows what he's doing, and I told myself at the moment it is best not to question it.

The car switched lanes just as Harry settled himself in his seat. He grasped the steering wheel and turned the shift knob forward. Immediately, the car sped up much faster than before. A pressure found its home in my chest, my eyes squeezing shut as a result. If I stared out the window I'd become nauseous and possibly puke out the snacks from three hours ago.

When I opened my eyes again, we weren't on concrete. The desert soil was dry and powdered around the wheels. It blew huge amounts of dust behind us as we left a trail of hot, newly burned wheel marks. I felt my lips part from confusion, frowning until I saw what lied ahead.

A tree wasn't' very hard to spot from the distance we were at.

I peeked over at him. "Are you going to crash this car?" I breathed out in horror.

"No. I'm going to make it look like we crashed. Once they approach the grenade, which at an estimation is at two minutes and counting down, it will explode and fuel the gas tank inside the car as well." Harry explained quickly, rapidly turning around to glance behind us, which was originally my job but I can't function properly.

I caught on to his plan quickly. Not a second did I question him and his theories. It was a clever plan, and I'm surprised he thought of it in this car. The little time allowed was almost unrealistically helpful to generate a plan as good as Harry's. Fortunately, he is impressively intelligent. I see what my father sees in him. A sort of determination and outstanding skill.

Harry drove, slowing the car down and putting it into auto drive once more. "Alright. Come over on my side and sit on my lap."

My mouth went dry, this time having the tenable urge to question him. "What?" I aired out in shock, my eyes still pride open.

"Sit on my lap, Catalina. Do it. Don't question me!" He shouted quickly, and by the vein now unquestionably evident, I carefully climbed over the center counsel and lowered myself onto his lap. Thighs were touching each side of his waist as he kept one hand on the wheel, the other already reaching for the door.

Alterations could've been made to his plan, which obviously was to jump. I'm no stranger to movies or novels. My life felt like one at the moment. It is much scarier in real life, however. My heart wouldn't stop beating out of control, and even when staring at Harry and his pale green eyes, that sense of security he gave me isn't enough to stop the rapidness of my breath and the torture my mind simulated at the thought of getting caught or even worse dying.

"Arms around my neck, tightly. Hold on to me as tight as you possibly can. Make sure your head is at the crook of my neck, so if I end up falling on top of you, your jaw will sustain and not fracture beneath my weight," he whispered to me.

I stared into his eyes, not finding the strength to verbally reply, but I nodded with my throat dryer than this desert dirt.

He watched me carefully. "It'll be okay. I'm here to protect you, aren't I?"

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