chapter 4

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"A-niang's soup?"said Jin ling.
"Yes"answered wei wuxian
"Wait my mother is his shijie, he's my uncle??"asked Jin ling.
"Yes"answered lan Wangji.
"Uncle i wouldn't forgive who killed my parents .that means he didn't and you lied to me"said Jin ling.
To be continue
"It's delicious "said Jin ling with a big smile and tears in his eyes.
"Don't cry little mistress"said lan Jingyi.
"I'm not a mistress!"yelled Jin ling.
"I'm not a mistress!"yelled Jin ling.
Jin ling and lan Jingyi looked at each other then at the screen .
"A-yi, A-ling don't fight and eat in silence"said wei wuxian
The two nodded.
"Uncle do you really have nothing to say"asked Jin ling.
"Nothing"answered Jiang Cheng.
Jin ling looked at his uncle then back at the screen.
Wei wuxian was putting food in the kids's rice who ate it happily.
The people on the screen looked at a happy family eating nothing else.
Not the evil yiling patriarch who killed thousands, who eat children,who was heartless and cruel??
"Seriously who made such rumors ?"said Oyuang zizhen.
His father glared at him .
"Is this the person who they said he eat children?? The heatless yilling patriarch?? "
After finishing.
"Jiujiu can we spend time together?"asked Jin ling as he looked away with a flushed face
"Of course"said wei wuxian patting Jin ling's head  as he chuckled from  his  nephew who was embarrassed.
Jin ling became embarrassed and was waiting for what's hiding.
Jin ling and wei wuxian was walking together.
"So how is it being a sect leader?"asked wei wuxian.
"WHAT"yelled Jin ling.
"What happened to A-yao?"asked lan Xichen.
'what happened to me?' Wondered Meng Yao.
"It's hard but it's okay with my two uncles by my side I'm fine."said Jin ling.
"That's good to hear"said wei wuxian.
"Yeah thanks for the help, i wouldn't do it without the two of you , since the problem that was left from my bastard grandfather and that midget with pointing hat"said Jin ling angry.
"Midget with pointing hat??"asked Jin ling.
"It's sect leader Jin"said lan Jingyi.
"JINGYI"said lan sizhui.
"What?? he's the only short person with a hat"defended lan Jingyi.
"I Kno-"lan sizhui was cutoff by the looks they got from the people and the smile Wich wasn't sincere from Jin Guangyao.
"Jin Guangyao??"asked wei wuxian.
"Who else? That midget who killed my parents"said Jin ling.
"WHAT!"yelled the people.
"A-yao ,would never"said lan Xichen.
"We are seeing the future, and that means one thing..."said lan wangji
"Uncle you killed my parents???"asked Jin ling in disbelief.
Jin Guangyao stayed silent.
"A-yao??"said lan Xichen
"A-ling!"said wei wuxian with a Warning tone.
"What ??"asked Jin ling.
"We can't speak of the dead"said wei wuxian.
People gasped.
'i died' thought Jin Guangyao .
"Well i don't care, he killed my father and framed you , and then told my mother about the war Wich resulted her to die"yelled Jin ling.
"A-yao you didn't,right??"asked lan Xichen.
"YOU"yelled lan wangji with a glare Wich could kill a person if it can .
My wei ying was framed by this fucker!!
Wei wuxian pulled Jin ling in a hug.
He patted his back and head .
"How could they blame you uncle.
How could uncle lie to me about you and blame you when it wasn't your fault?? How could they say you killed thousands but you didn't !"said Jin ling as he cried.
Jin ling was crying.
"My life was a lie!"said lan Jingyi.
"Jingyi!"yelled lan sizhui.
"What, aren't you angry because that midget who  framed our mother , how the world treated him??"yelled lan Jingyi.
"I am"said lan sizhui.
"Goddess, the diety of love can you tell me is this true??"asked a crying Jin ling.
"Yes all what you heard was the Truth, i will give you a brak from seeing the future, to see what are you going to do"said the voice of the diety .
I hope you enjoyed ☺️💖

N:I hope you enjoyed ☺️💖

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