chapter 7

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"W-..Wh-.. what??" Said lan sizhui.
Lan wangji stared at lan sizhui.
' Sizhui is my son with wei ying??' thought lan Wangji.
The people stared at lan Sizhui
Everyone was startled by the revelation. The news was huge.
Lan Sizhui is lan wangji and the yiling patriarch's son.

The people looked at lan sizhui who was deeply shocked and didn't look at anyone , he himself was still processing what he heard.

Lan wangji was stunned and couldn't say a word.
' Sizhui is my son?with wei ying?i had my son with me all the time without knowing.but how ??i don't remember doing anything with wei ying.'

The boy who clinged to his legs , called him A-die , eat food with him and wei ying , the boy who he took as his son and raised him , is his son with wei ying. Lan wangji was speechless.

The lans didn't know what to say or what to think. The sect heir is lan sizhui , they had him without knowing.
They had already the sect heir who has the lan blood in his vines.

Jiang Cheng looked at lan sizhui , his brother's son , his nephew. Why didn't he tell him? That was the question in his head.

Jin Guangyao looked at lan sizhui and thought' you had a son with lan wangji, what a whore!'

"You're pregnant" said wen qing.
Wen qing was checking wei wuxian's pulse.
"Hu-huh" stuttered wei wuxian.
"Lady wen"murmured lan wangji

"I said you're pregnant!"she repeated.
"Stop jocking"said wei wuxian as he laughed .

Wen qing shoot a glare Wich stopped him from laughing.
"She's scary "said lan Jingyi
Lan Sizhui thought ' why does she look fimiliar?'

He coughed and set properly.
"He's scared of her?" Said Yao sect leader.
"This is the yilling patriarch??"said person.
"Pathetic" said the sect leader of Oyuang.

The two sect leader laughed but shut their mouths after zidian cracked and received a glare from lan wangji , lan Sizhui , lan Jingyi and Jin ling.

"I'm not jocking you really are pregnant" she said.
Wei wuxian just looked at her shocked .
"Why is he shocked?"asked lan Jingyi.
"Are you really that stupid?"said Jin ling.
"Hey ,I'm not!"said lan Jingyi
"You two calm down, let's continue watching"said lan sizhui .

The two glared at each other and looked at the screen.

He was pregnant ?? But how??
"I don't know how. It's the first time that i hear about a man getting pregnant let alone seeing one " She said as she guessed what he was thinking.
So it's still a mystery.

"But who?" He blurred out.
Wen qing looked at him stunned and said " you don't the father of your child?"
"Childe wei , doesn't know?" Said lan Xichen.
"Wangji , do you remember doing anything with childe wei?".
Lan wangji's ears turned red and shocked his head.

Wei wuxian closed his eyes and then opened his eyes.
"Lan zhan??" He yelled.
"Second master lan??"she asked him a little bit  surprised.
"It looks like he remembers something?" Said a girl.

She herself guessed that lan wangji has a crush on wei wuxian .
It looks like it's not just a crush but love . 'who would have thought  that the second master lan is in love with you , huh?"
Wen qing just sighed.
"Second master lan had a crush on the yiling patriarch??"
"Who would have thought" said a women.

"Young Master wei"said wen ning as he entered.
"It's the ghost general!"

You can see the place we're was wei wuxian staying it's not more than a cave.
"That's were he live?"asked Jin ling.
Jiang Cheng looked at the screen with complex , he could have helped his brother but he also was building the yummeng Jiang.
"Wei ying"murmured lan wangji.

"A-ning"she said as she smiled at her little brother.

"Sister, what happened to master wei ? i heard him yelling"said wen ning or as he was known as the ghost general.
"He can speak??"

Wen ning was different from any different corpses .
He had conscious , he wasn't just a puppet , he  wasn't just some weapon you could command and tell him what to do.

no, he was also a human,  his body is not like our bodies but he's still human but without a heart beating inside of him.
Everyone left speechless , he wasn't the yiling patriarch weapon ??

He got turned after he was killed by the jin by wei wuxian .
"The Jin??"
"They are doing unforgivable things"said lan Jingyi.
The elders glared at him.

Lan Jingyi couldn't take it and glared at them and said"what? Weren't the Jin who also killed his parents?" He questioned as he looked at Jin ling.

Jin ling didn't know what to say , how he have a messed up family , filled with monsters.

He can still be with his sister and family.
"Wei wuxian is pregnant"she said to him.
"Qing-jie!!"shouted wei wuxian.

Jiang Cheng winced at that , wei wuxian didn't call his sister Jie even after their parents had gone.
Lan wangji was thankful that wei ying had someone by his side.

I hope you enjoyed ☺️💖

N:I hope you enjoyed ☺️💖

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