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Writing about these two put a permanent smile on my lips. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Reminder that the whole playlist for HFS is on my spotify.


"LET ME GO, JAS!" Akshara said, beating his arms with her circled fist. He only laughed and swerved her to the right, leading her to the empty lecture hall.

"Not until you tell me what really happened to you. I know something happened last evening. You came back looking like you saw a ghost," he said, tightening his arms around her. Akshara, caught in a headlock and a mindlock, gave no answer. She had been in a confused and shocked state of mind after brushing fingers with the guy in Snug. Last night, instead of sleeping, she put what Jasper said and her experience together to come to the conclusion that that guy with the green eyes was her soulmate after all. She had the sudden urge to throw her blankets off and go back to the store to collect any piece of information she could find about him.

She didn't care if she came off as a stalker. Because he wouldn't stop stalking her in her thoughts. Akshara couldn't brush him off, ignore his presence or pretend he didn't bother her. Just thinking of him caused an earthquake inside her heart.

"Did you find your soulmate?" Jasper asked and a tremor rose up my body when he said that. His mouth hung open at my silence. "Wait, you did! You really did. Oh my fucking goodness, why didn't you tell me?"

"Shh... keep it low!" Jasper's arms finally loosened around her and she stepped out of his caging arms.

"Do you know who he is? How did you meet him?"

"I don't know. And, I met him at the store I went to yesterday," Akshara answered, trying to keep her voice neutral. "Now forget about it and let's hope students volunteer for our assignment."

"Trust me, they will."

They really did. Akshara was shocked by the number of students who entered the hall from various departments. Even though she didn't know most of them, it seemed like everyone knew her. It really boosted her self-esteem to the moon. As she pulled out the questionnaires from her bag, Jasper took care of settling all of them into their seats. There was a lot of distorted noise, ambiguous chorus of chatter, but it all died down once Akshara stood in the middle with the sheets in her hand and a smile on her face.

"Hey, everyone. Thank you so much for coming here. And if you don't know why you are here, I am doing research for my psychology project and I need your valuable inputs and data. I will be distributing a questionnaire which has 20 questions. These are general questions about yourself so you don't have to think a lot..." Akshara went on about maintaining anonymity and being honest.

Once she was done, she split the sheets into two bundles to hand one to Jasper. He distributed them to the students on the left.

As everyone began ticking boxes, Jasper crossed his arms across his chest and faced her. "You never told me the details. How did you meet him?" he whispered, poking her arm.

"I'll tell you later. You are coming home tonight, right?"

He looked apologetic. "Actually, no. Tonight I have to be there for Judah's party. It's a family one and he insisted that I come."

"But today is Indy's birthday. I insist that you come as well. I know you two don't get along but she really wants to be on good terms with you. Even though she pretends the passive aggressive exchanges between you two don't bother her, they really do. You coming there will make her happy."

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