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Hello! If you are reading this, that means you've made it to the end and I hope it's as (bitter—)sweet for you as it's for me. Thank you for reading this story, commenting, voting and adding it to your reading lists. There's an important note continued at the end of the chapter, please take time to let me know your thoughts. I'll not keep you from diving into the last chapter of this story any longer. Enjoy!

cara xx


SETH WHYTE decided to spend Christmas at the Zim household. He had planned to celebrate it with his sister but she had called him up and asked if she could spend it with her boyfriend instead. Since it was the same situation with him, he agreed easily.

Jasper, on the other side, had left the next day with a box of beetroot chips and a Christmas present from Akshara. He had to be present at the Kline family dinner otherwise 'hell would break loose'. His parents were already worried about him after the breakup and he didn't want to make it any worse. "Don't do anything naughty, kids," he'd said before leaving. Akshara had smacked him.

Seth stayed in the guest room. It was convenient since his room was right next to hers and her parents stayed downstairs. Even though her parents looked at them suspiciously when they came downstairs together every morning, they didn't say anything. Instead, they were their usual selves.

Her mother bossed them around, giving the most annoying tasks like peeling garlic cloves and potatoes to Akshara and the fun ones like taste-testing to Seth. Akshara would've normally thrown a fit but she only smiled, watching the two share recipes and tips.

Her father would watch the game or a boring documentary with him while she sat on the floor, painting her nails. When Mr Zim invited him for an evening stroll, Seth would stall until her father was at the door, lean down and press a long kiss on her lips before he hurried to put on his shoes.

Her mother once teased her about Seth and Akshara being so in love that sometimes it reminded her of her father and herself in their honeymoon phase. Then she had embarrassingly warned her not to make her a grandmother just yet.

Both of them began treating Seth like family in just a few days and it really made Akshara happy and grateful. Sometimes, she'd think about it and smile to herself.

Rarely, she caught her parents stuttering when they called Seth by his name. Obvious self-disappointment would paint their face instantly or there would be subtle biting of their tongue to acknowledge the slip up. But Seth understood.

Akshara had introduced Seth to Ruairi. Her childhood friend was taken aback at first and then greeted him with a forced smile. But Ruairi's little brother didn't have a filter. "You're not Seth. Akshu, you brought someone else," he accused, pointing at her boyfriend. But even then, when Akshara sobbed to him later that night, he understood. He always did.

Seth and Akshara also found ways to hang out with each other, know each other more and be happy. They went on morning walks, holding hands and soaking in the sliver of sunlight that filtered in through the thick air. He redid her scarf everytime they stepped out, wrapping it around her smug smile. He knew she wanted him to do it for her even though she knew how to. "You're so sly," he said and then pecked her lips quickly.

Akshara made hot chocolate in the middle of the night. They cuddled in her room, watching K-drama until they became more interested in each other. Seth whispered stories from his life, carding through her hair and patting her back until she fell asleep. Only once, Akshara woke up gasping, and then quickly grounded herself when she saw Seth sleeping next to her.

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