Five (His pov)

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I woke up around 8 feeling not so rested but not so worried about it either. I brushed my teeth and washed my face with freezing water.

I heard some moving downstairs only assuming she didn't sleep at all last night.

I walked downstairs and saw a plate of French toast and bacon with a cup of fruit.

"Lore?" I asked.

"Yea?" She responded.

"You didn't sleep at all did you?" I asked.

"Not really." She said and poured some orange juice handing it to me.

"Do you like cooking?" I asked sitting down.

"When I get the chance." She said and I looked at her face. Purple circled her eyes.

"Thank you. Have you eaten?" I asked.

"Yep." She nodded.

"Do you need coffee or tea or anything?" I asked.

"I don't drink those. I like water and juice." She said and I was confused.

"How do you exist?" I asked truly curious.

"Same way you do. Heavy on the questions this morning aren't we?" She smiled.

"Sorry you just confuse me." I said eating.

"Sorry love but can you hand me that?" I asked pointing to the charging laptop and she gave it to me.

I opened it responding to emails.

"Books." I said and looked at Lore who looked startled.

"What?" She asked.

"We are going to Barnes and Nobles. You are getting books for yourself." I said and thanked David over email.

He reminded me that she grew up sneaking into libraries.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because sweetheart if you can't sleep then you do what you enjoy. Books." I said and she just looked down at her juice.

"Can you help me?" I asked and she nodded.

I spun my computer to her and it was some sort of math based idea. I was not good with this.

"Can I type?" She asked and I nodded still eating.

She sent it and I looked seeing what she did and I trusted it.

"You confuse me." She said and I looked at her closing my laptop.

"Why?" I asked.

"You spent your night making my bedroom, called me, came and got me at 4 am when you were exhausted. I just don't understand why you care so much." She said and I nodded.

"I don't either. Let's just hope we are besties in the next few days because we are gonna be spending so much time together. It would make me sick if it was anyone but you." I shrugged.

"Good to know." She laughed.


I drove her to Barnes and Nobles and she was quite excited.

We walked in and people stared incredibly confused of why 'Mr. Creed' is in a book shop.

She grabbed my wrist and quickly walked to the romance section. Gooey.

"Can you use your big muscles to carry books?" She asked and I smiled.

"Question, do you like my big muscles?" I asked.

"I do, they're great for holding tons of books." She winked and placed about five in my arms.

"Jesus woman." I mumbled and she looked her arm in mine dragging me to fantasy.

I swear we've been here for hours but I was told it's only been thirty minutes.

I had about fifteen books in my arms right now. She held about ten.

"We're good." She smiled up at me making me feel not so annoyed about being here.

"Alright." I nodded and we checked out. Books are fucking expensive my god.

For 25 books it costed $225.

She handed me a bag and took the other two which I stole from her and we walked to my car.

"Could you perhaps drive yourself when you want books?" I laughed.

"I can't drive. Well legally. I'm awful at it illegally as well but sometimes a bitch gotta skidaddle you know?" She asked and I laughed.

"Well then I'll happily be your chaperone. Just books aren't particularly my thing." I mentioned as we got into the car.

"You haven't found the right one then. Many people can't sit and read so they listen to audiobooks or have others read to them if the robot is too monotone." She said and I nodded backing up before smiling at her.

"I might need you to read to me sometime sweetheart." And put my eyes back on the road.

I watched as she blushed and smiled myself.

"Tomorrow we go to work at 9 for a meeting. About you. Then I'll help you with some tasks." I said and became curious.

"Are you super different? Like I am?" I asked.

"I've only ever spoke like this to you. Usually I talk to myself because I've only ever been alone. I'm more different than you are is all I can say." She mumbled.

"And is there facts to back that up?" I wondered.

"I've watched you for three years. As long as I've been stealing from you. I've watched you be professional and angry. Sadly I've seen your dick shoved in females more than I'd prefer. But I'm batshit crazy. Vile is an understatement." She said and I believed it. All of it.

"Question." I said and she nodded.

"Is seeing me fuck girls on accident?" I teased.

"Oh yea. Not your best moments for sure." She laughed.

"Why isn't it my best moment?" I pouted.

"You are so rude to those girls. However they do ask for it verbally. But you are harsh." She smiled.

"Well being kind to whores isn't really something I do. I also don't do passion with a hook-up." I said matter of fact.

"And that makes sense. But guess what, that means I'm not a whore because you nice to me." She teased and I laughed.

"You are the opposite for a whore. I bet your standards are incredibly high and you deserve someone who meets them as you wish." I nodded and she smiled placing her head on my shoulder lightly before picking it back up.

"That's very kind of you. I'm no psychic but I believe you will find your soulmate. You have a heart and even though so many people can't see it I have. I think you will find the person for you." She said and I smiled softly.

"All I can do is hope can't I. It's hard with what I do for a living on the dark side of business. Many women don't find that very flattering or they just make it weird." I laughed.

"Yea. I have faith." She smiled up at me and I put my hand in her hair and scratched her scalp a bit.

"You make it very easy to open up to you. Is it a tactic?" I asked.

"Actually yes. But I haven't done anything to you. Everything you say is for a reason. Not because of me." She smiled.

"Well we are here and I've got papers to fill out so you do as you please." I sighed and got out of the car helping her bring the bags in.

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