Twelve (Her pov)

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"Lore?" He asked and I looked up from his laptop and raised my eyebrows.

"Would you like to come with me to my club?" He wondered.

"Club De Vie?" I asked.
Club of Life- French

"I like the way you say it but yes." He nodded.

"What would we do?" I questioned.

"Sit in my lounge, drink water or sodas, yell at sluts who get at us. The fun things." He shrugged.

"Okay. When would we go?" I asked.

"I brought you and outfit less... business like. We can leave right after. You've worked a lot today." He smiled lightly.

"Okay." I nodded and he handed me a bag and I walked to the bathroom he had in his office. The space was much more isolated and comfortable rather than the stalls and noise.

I looked like a sexy slut and I live for it

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I looked like a sexy slut and I live for it. My tits are so perky naturally and the neck piece with the string going down my cleavage made me feel some type of way about myself.

I was one to flaunt my body even though my scars and stomach seemed unattractive to me. I never felt insecure about myself because I've been robbed off all my valuable and respectable aspects and I've lived through the seven deadly sins enough to know that life is too short to give a shit. I love my scars and even the indented ones on my stomach.

I pulled my brown hair up into a ponytail and pulled out loose strands making my neck appear more defined and jawline more sharp.

I walked out and he dropped his water glass causing it to shatter.

"Well shit." He cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair.

I did a twirl and he smiled.

"Words. Uhm. Something I left with that glass but it's shattered now." He nodded and his cheeks became red.

I looked down at myself and looked up at him, tilting my head to the side. I'm starting to fuck with him.

"Flustered aren't you?" I smirked.

"So many things to say. You are a friend and a partner in crime. Not appropriate." He said more to himself.

"I'll let it slide." I smiled.

He took a good three steps toward me and my chest nearly touched his. He put his finger under the strap on my cleavage.

"Tease me again and I swear to god my face won't be the only red thing tonight gorgeous." He winked and I just stared into his black eyes.

"Ready to go?" He smirked not backing up as his finger lined the strap back up.

"Loss for words? Flustered are you?" He mocked putting his tongue inside his cheek and smirking down at me.

"Success on your part." I whispered barely able to speak.

"I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen. I know you can help yourself however this outfit is far to appealing for co-workers eyes. Put on my jacket and walk out with me. You can do whatever when we are out of the car and at the club. Capeesh?" He asked twirling a loose piece of my hair in his fingers.

"Mmhm." I nodded.

He tipped my chin up and smiled down at me.

"Good girl." He smirked walking away from me and out the door.

Wow. Where did my slutty attitude go?

Right down the fucking drain because Killian is hottt. TAKE HER ALREADY. Alright keep reading thanks.

I walked out with him and he handed me his blazer and I wore it walking out into his car before handing it back.

"You listen well." He said and I looked out the window as he began driving.

"Only to you." I whispered but he chuckled hearing me.

"That's all I need." He whispered back.

I saw flashing lights as he parked in front of a blinky place.

"Come on darling. Photo time." He said and walked out of the car coming to my side but before he opened the door he removed his blazer again and opened it covering my lower half so no pictures were taken of my underwear. Gentleman.

I stood and rubbed imaginary dust off my dress before his blazer was on and he took my hand. Lights flashed and microphones were spoken into. I kept a smile on my face as Killian did.

We walked in the club and people danced like they were gonna die tomorrow, music blasted through my ears making my adrenaline go. I watched bodies on each other and smelt the date rape drug I was too familiar with. Sweat and sex and alcohol.

We made it to a booth where we could see everyone and everyone could see us.

"Hi Mr. Creed and...?" A guy asked politely.

"Miss Vile." Killian smiled scooting closer to me.

"Wow! You are more incredible in person! I apologize for my lack of familiarity Miss Vile." He said startled and I offered my hand regardless of superiority and he took it.

"Lorena or Loren is fine." I nodded.

"Amazing. Sorry for the distraction, drinks?" He asked. He was sweet.

"Root beer for me and for you?" Killian asked looking at me.

"Shirley temple extra cherry syrup." I smiled and he nodded walking away.

"No Lore?" He asked.

"If I offer a first name the nickname they receive is Loren. Lore is more personal." I nodded.

"I always have him serve because the other waiters try to drug the females and I've personally had a waitress or five drug my shit." He nodded.

"He's very kind. If you are suspicious let me see the drink. Or ask the person." I smiled.

"How would you know if a drink is spiked with observing?" He asked.

"Far too much experience."

A person can't really tell unless it takes effect on ice however I've been drugged so many times and experimented on by every date rape drug. Dusty appearance, smell flashbacks. It's very faint but it's there. For me it's like smelling something nostalgic from your childhood. If any nostalgic feeling hits me I know what it is.

"Here Miss Loren and Mr. Creed." The boy said handing us the drinks.

"Thank you." We both said and he nodded while leaving.

"Killian?" A feminine voice sang and Killian groaned.

I can smell a whore from a mile away. Here we go.

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