Twenty-Six (His pov)

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I measured her ring finger when she fell back asleep and spent today shopping while she worked.

I knew it was all of a sudden but we weren't getting any younger and I doubted waiting for anything else was in our cards. I wanted to call her my wife. I wanted to hear her call me her husband.

I settled on this ring. It isn't big and crazy but it isn't common either.

I paid and left driving to the building and picked her up

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I paid and left driving to the building and picked her up. She looked irritated.

"What's wrong babygirl?" I placed my hand on her thigh.

"I-" She choked and I pulled over looking at her teary eyes.

"What?" I asked looking at her.

"I'm sorry." She whispered and I was shocked with her statement. What happened?

"What?" I asked again.

"Dave. I really hurt him." She looked at me scared.

"Why?" I asked.

"He put his hand under my skirt and touched me during a meeting. I told him not to. He hushed me and kept doing it. When the meeting was over I-I stood and grabbed my pen stabbing his temple. I'm sorry daddy." She mumbled and her lip quivered as my anger rose.

"How did he touch you doll?" I asked gently. She thought I was upset at her.

"He attempted penetrating me with his fingers but I kept moving his hand away. When I crossed my legs he kept his hand squeezed between my thighs and I just didn't move. I didn't wanna irritate anyone and seem unprofessional." She murmured.

Smart girl but didn't know what to do in these situations. I wasn't there to protect her.

"Lore?" I asked and she looked at me.

I grabbed her left hand and removed the ring from my pocket placing it on her hand before kissing it gently.

"No one hurts what's mine and you happen to be my fiancée. Is he in the hospital?" I asked and she nodded sniffling.

I drove to the nearest place and I knew all the doctors there. I donated to them.

I grabbed her hand and we walked in. I checked my pockets for my knife and looked at the lady at the front desk.

"David?" She asked.

"Yea." I mumbled.

"13." She said and I looked where she pointed and walked into the hall dragging Lorena behind me.

"Stay here for now." I said and kissed Lorena.

I walked in and sat by Dave's bed.

"What happened Dave?" I asked faking concern.

"Your son of a bitch assistant stabbed me in the temple." He groaned.

"Why?" I asked.

"Don't know man she's insane." He whined.

"Oh zip it. You put your dirty hands between my fiancées legs during a meeting." I sneered standing.

"Fiancée?" He asked.

"She's got a pretty diamond on her finger now. She was my girl when you touched her idiot." I slapped him.

"I didn't know! She's a used up whore, everyone knows that." He said as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

I grabbed the knife butt and jabbed it into his temple finishing the job.

I put it back in my pocket and walked out.

"Come on my love. Let's go get a nice dinner." I grabbed her waist and held her to me, leaving the hospital.

Fucking demented waste of space.


We got home and she was tired from the tears and human interaction.

I walked her upstairs and in her room. She loved the light in here. I took my shirt off and got into sweatpants as she wore shorts and a tank top. She crawled over to me and got under the covers. I kissed her forehead as she lied herself on my chest. Half her body was on me and her leg wrapped around my waist a bit.

Her hand was placed gently in a fist on my chest and I saw her ring sparkle.

"I love you." I whispered and she sighed.

"Love you." She barely whispered.

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