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Soulmate. It is an overly used word which is used to describe a person who is ideally suited to someone as a romantic partner. The other half of someone. The one meant to be with someone. Like I said, an overly used word. But that doesn't make this word any lesser or insignificant. In fact, my whole story revolves around this simple and cliché word. You may think of me as a crazy hopeless romantic who's stuck inside her own head, but at least hear me out before you make a judgement.

In this small world we live in, falling in love with someone is an easy task. We fall in love after meeting someone, without meeting someone personally or even without meeting someone at all. Every corner we turn our head at, there's love. With all the social media and dating apps going viral, love has become extremely simple. Whether its true or fake, is just a completely different story. The only true fact is that telling someone 'I love you' has gone from being precious words you say to only one person, to a phrase that has completely lost its worth and meaning. People go from one person to the other in a matter of seconds, overusing and ruining this priceless phrase.

Now you may think why such a word is the root of my story. Well, although it's a word that has lost its value in some way, it is still connected to a lot of true stories and legends. And one of these legends, is what began my, Faye Silvermoon's story.

Its really easy for someone to say they have met their soulmate, their other half. But ninety nine percent of the time, it is just someone's beliefs and not the actual truth. And the remaining one percent of it, is the real deal. My story, is one of the very few stories that got the privilege to belong to that rare one percent.

Finding your fated one or soulmate, is not easy. Most people have to go through multiple relationships and heartbreaks before they finally meet the one which they think is the one. Even though some of these couples last their whole lives together, it doesn't necessarily mean they were soulmates. Its just they turned out to be lucky enough to find someone who matched them in all aspects in life. Well, most people may think that that's the definition and the truth to soulmates. But the Soulmate Legends from the Eruthrós tribe says otherwise.

According to this legend, if you cross paths with your other half, you'd know the minute your eyes meet. There would be a shine in their eyes which is not visible to other people but only to each other. It was like an imprint; you can't control it. And as soon as your eyes meet, you'll only love that person for the rest of your life. Those few couples who found each other are often labeled as 'The Lucky Ones', who were touched by the Goddess of Love herself. But little do they know, how the Goddess loves to test them by throwing them into hard and tricky situations.

My story began on the first day of orientation at Silvermoon Arts University. Now you may be wondering why I share my last name with the university. Well, as simples as it is, the university just happens to belong to my family. My beloved father ran the university his whole life until he passed away fifteen years ago. The 7-year-old me and my mother were left alone to weep for his death, as my mother took on the big responsibilities of running the university while also taking care of me. We were alone, but we had each other.

But that didn't last very long. The sorrows from father's death and the heavy workload changed her. The once close mother daughter relationship changed into a distant one. She spent more time working, than with me. She hired maids to take care of me. Eventually, she became someone I only saw once or twice a week at home. And even then, she wouldn't treat me with love and care like she once did.

Though it didn't really affect my studies and social life, I always longed for love from her. And I silently watched her as I wished for her attention. There was nothing I could do at that time; I was timid and hesitant. Despite my lack of confidence and shyness, I was quite popular during my school days all thanks to my family background. I had a lot of people who wanted to become friends with me. Although they didn't last for long, it was enough for me since I always had the mindset that everyone leaves at one point. But I genuinely believed that when I finally met my person, I would have someone who would love me and care for me for life.

Now that I have mentioned my father, I remember the words he told me when I was five years old. I remember the way he took the little me onto his lap.

Those were the words I have grown up with. The words I have protected in my heart for as long as I have lived, even though doubt settled in my heart as I grew up.  The only thing I truly believed in was knowing that there was someone meant for everyone. I had grown to doubt my father's word on the magical aspect and totally pushed it aside as a fairytale for children.

"There are enough fish in the pond for everyone, dragonfly. One day, you'll find yours too. But only when you are ready for it. You have to be patient enough to wait for the right time to come." Tiny wrinkles formed at the corner of his eyes as he looked down at me and smiled.

"But papa! How would I know the right time?" I frowned as I waited for his answer.

"Oh, believe me dragonfly. You'll know." He had laughed a little as he put his thumb between my eyebrows, lightly massaging my little frown. "When you meet the one, it will feel like you are the only ones in the world. As if the time has frozen, just for the both of you."

"Only ones in the world? Time frozen? Wouldn't that be lonely, papa?" I had asked the most innocent question a 5-year-old could ask.

"It's just a feeling, silly. You'll know when you grow up" He had laughed louder this time, tickling my stomach while I giggled in his arms.

"Is that how you felt when you met mama?" I tilted my face as I looked at him curiously.

"Of course, dragonfly. Your mama and I were meant to be."

I never imagined that, that particular day would be the day I would finally meet him. I never imagined that, that day would be the right time. 

Studying art at Silvermoon Arts University have always been my biggest dream. I loved art and it was my dream to become a great artist like father. Before he became the owner of the university, he was a world-renown artist who had huge exhibitions in the biggest museums. And even after he started handling the university, he never failed to give time for his passion. He never stopped painting, and he taught me everything he knew. He was my father and mentor.

The first day of orientations was a nerve wrenching day for me. I was never good at meeting new people or making new friends. I lacked confidence and the knowledge on how to approach people or make conversation. So, knowing that orientation was all about meeting new people, I dreaded what was to come. I genuinely wanted to make some friends as I didn't want to be a loner in university. Even if they don't stick around for a long time, I wanted to have at least on person who could be by my side. I hated feeling lonely, fully knowing how dreadful it could be.

My heart pounded rapidly as I walked to the classroom while keeping my eyes on the ground. The overwhelming nerves made each step I took slow and heavy. The metallic taste of blood made me realize how hard I have been biting down on my lower lip. I took the final step to enter the door to my next chapter when I hit my head hard on something. I hissed from the pain and raised my hand to rub the spot that would have possibly become red and swollen. I was sure the door was open so I wondered what I could have hit, before raising my head to look ahead. I gasped as soon as I realized that it was a someone that I hit.

And that was the moment it happened. I looked at the person in front of me. The guilty expression on my face and the angry expression on his face. And as our eyes found each other's, the loudest beat escaped from my heart. Our expressions were replaced by a look of recognition. He was a complete stranger, yet he seemed too familiar.

The surrounding around us seemed to blur as we got lost into each other's eyes. It felt as if the time had frozen, so that I could fall into the familiar stranger's eyes. As I fell deeper and deeper into his green eyes, I felt as if I was being surrounded by a forest. They were bright, and so very vibrant. I got sucked into the green orbs as my whole body relaxed within the earthy forest. I swear I could hear the wind passing through, making the leaves dance to the tune. A feeling of dizziness made me realize I wasn't breathing. I let go of the breath I was holding just to be filled with the intoxicating smells of earth and musk. It made me even more light headed as I thought to myself.

Papa was right. This feeling is real. And I feel it, for this handsome stranger in front of me. He is my fish. The one who's meant to be with me. The one who'll be mine and mine only.

And at that moment, I, Faye Silvermoon, fell in love with the handsome stranger.

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