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I laid in Kegan's arms as he held me tight. It was warm and comforting in his embrace and I snuggled in even more, greedy for his warmth and touch. He chuckled with a deep and raspy voice before planting a kiss on the top of my head. Blood rushed to my cheeks and I sneakily raised my head to peak a look on his alluring face. It was as enchanting as ever. Hair as messy as always; eyes hypnotic as I have known them.

I raised my head higher, craving for his eyes to meet mine so that the magic would do its deed while we lose ourselves in each other. But the moment his eyes lowered to mine; the whole surrounding changed. Suddenly, I was standing in front of him as I clutched my chest from the immense pain that ran through it.

His face was filled with worry while his mouth formed words asking me if I was alright. No sound travelled through the black void we stood in and he didn't seem bothered by it like I was. Suddenly a pang of extreme pain ran through my chest and I almost dropped to the floor from it. Kegan tried to run to me but there was an invisible wall that blocked him to do so. He banged his hands on the wall as I continued to breath harder from the pain.

As time went by, I got used to the pain I felt even though it was still as intense as it was before. I removed my hands from chest, only to see a black liquid on them. My eyes travelled from my hand to my chest, only to see the black liquid running down my whole body from my chest. And at that moment all I did was look at Kegan one last time as he tried his hardest to get to me, before turning around and leaving him.

I opened my eyes with a huge gasp and sat up in the bed, only to lose balance and fall into the bed again. I realized it was all a nightmare the moment my headache kicked in. My breath was deep and ragged while I struggled to breath. My chest hurt just like how it did in my nightmare. And I also had a terrible hangover and remembered nothing from last night.

I'm never drinking again. I told myself while closing my eyes with a frown. Honestly, I have never drank before. Last night was the first time I ever drank. I remembered feeling so embarrassed around Kegan that I drank one cup of something that Athena handed to me. All the memories after that moment were completely hazy.

I finally gathered enough strength to get up and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. I was still wearing the strapless short dress that I wore to the party and my hair was a total mess; so was my makeup.

I was about to splash some water to my face when I suddenly felt something terribly wrong. I became extremely lightheaded and the world blurred around me. I held on tightly to the counter as pain ran in my chest again causing my breath to get ragged even more. I tried to calm myself by trying to take deep breaths, but it didn't help at all. I couldn't breathe normally and my heart pounded hard in my chest causing intense pain. I looked at myself in the mirror as I tried to steady myself.

When I couldn't take it anymore, I lowered myself and sat on the floor. It was so quite that I could hear my own jagged heartbeat. So, I just sat there trembling, for as long as it took to feel better again.


When I reached the kitchen, Mrs. Bee was setting the table for breakfast. I took a seat as she handed me a bowl of chicken soup.

"Good morning Mrs. Bee." I greeted her before taking the pills she put for me and had a sip from the soup she made for me.

"Good morning, Faye. I see you had a lot of fun last night. How's your head?" She asked, taking a seat in front of me.

"My head hurts. I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble last night. I'm never drinking again!" I said, guilt-ridden.

"It's okay baby girl. You are growing up. You should have more fun with your friends instead of always staying in the house. This is the age to come out of your shell and discover the world." She spoke.

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