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My eyes gazed the screen in front of me as I noted down the important points Prof. Rose highlighted for the new assignment, she gave on Mondays class. It went by like a blur as she gave the first assignment for the module after a two-hour long lecture about the history of Arts in London. Though it was long, it was very much interesting and I was fully lost in the world of Art she was showing us.

When the class was finally over, I packed my belongings and checked my phone before my eyes turned to a half-asleep Athena. She was the type who only enjoyed practical classes, so today's class was a bore for me. At the beginning of the class, she had tried her best to stay tuned into the lecture, but failed and started drifting off halfway through. Well, I don't blame her, it sure was a long and detailed lesson.

"Class is over miss. You can wake up from your dreamland now." I whispered dramatically into her ear and she jumped a little from the scare before she fully woke up.

"Huh? Class is over? Wow, that was fast." She yawned and stretched her body and started packing her bag. I guess she slept through the whole class.

"Today's class was not fast at all, A. It went on and on for 2 whole hours. You should really start paying more attention in class." I chuckled, failing to sound serious.

"I know, Faye. I know I really should and I really did try today. It was just really boring and you know boring makes me so sleepy." She frowned a little as she pouted her glossy lips.

"Okay, since the class is finally over, lets go do something to wake you up from this slumber. And I'll also brief you on what she taught us today and also the new assignment she gave us." I told her and saw her eyes go wide.

"Assignment? She already gave an assignment?" She acted like she was fainting in her chair and then laid on her table before looking at me before glancing at me from the table. "Anyways, lets go. I'm sure I'll understand more easily if you explain anyways. Where do you want to go?"

"How about your place? I just don't want to go back to mine." I said, remembering the event that happened on Saturday night. I really didn't want to go back to that empty house with depressing memories. At least for today, I wanted to distract myself from them.

As if she noticed my expression, Athena got up from the table and put her hand on mine as she brushed it slowly. She gave me a smile before she replied.

"Sure, let's go to mine. I'm sure mama would be elated to see you again. She's actually been bugging me to bring you over again. You have no idea how much she adores you." She said as her smile turned into a heartwarming one.

"Okay, your place then. But can we first stop to get a coffee? I'm craving for a cappuccino." I said while I tried to battle the usual fatigue I felt daily.

"Sure, let's go. I also need one anyways."

After throwing my backpack over my shoulders I got up to leave the classroom with Athena. But before leaving, I said goodbye to Kegan who seemed to be in a better mood than usual. Though he normally looked expressionless, there was a happy glow to him today that made him look different. There was positivity radiating from him and I was happy for whatever reason made him that way.

The ride to Athena's house took around thirty minutes. Mouth watering smell hit our noses as soon as we stepped inside her house. Inside the kitchen, stood Elena Edevane, Athena's lovely mother. Just like her bright daughter, she was a huge ball of energy and bubbliness. Her brown hair that matched her eyes perfectly were cut short near her shoulders. She was short and plumb, and also beautiful just like her daughter. Thought Athena resembled her father when it came to her looks, her personality was a split image of her mother. And it took me exactly five seconds to fall in love with both the mother and daughter.

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