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Our humanity is what makes us beautiful, our emotions and the ability to feel them for others, is what makes our souls gorgeous.



The plan wasn't simple, having my husband plan it out made it so very hard but the best part of being married to him, was that I understood him, completely, first was the alpha, I had to hear him out even if I hated it, I had to hear him out. So I wore my running gear, strapped on my player to my bicep, and was out the door before Tori or Tai could make any kind of comments about what I was wearing, Kholis bay didn't seem like its old self, it had truly become a beautiful place, or I was just being overly dramatic and nostalgic, I didn't miss it, I just liked the beautiful scenery in the morning. I ran past closed markets, waved at other joggers as I passed them, I did avoid pack territory as much as I could and the wolves that lived there until I got to the docks, I couldn't help feel like I was being watched until alpha Harrison walked up to me with eyes that raked my body.

"Keep your wandering eyes and restless groin far away from me Harrison." I warned with a hiss and the man chuckled. "Touché, but for someone looking to not be noticed, you're awfully drawing attention to yourself." He shot back making me groan. "I'm here, I'm listening, say what you want." I asserted and the alpha snickered, I knew better than to say anything after blatantly disrespecting him already. "Not here, the fog has ears." He whispered calmly as we made our way down to the beach below, the morning mist was still there, covering us in its chilly embrace, we walked until we stood by the edge of the ocean, the sound of the waves giving me a singular moment of peace. "I didn't kill your grandmother, and as much as I want to remember who did I can't, its all foggy in my head, what really happened that night." The alpha began and I knew I had to dig deep into his emotions on my own, even if it was risky, if I dove too deep.

"I believe you, but I need a lot more than what you're telling me, so, think about what happened, and let me in." I told him, his confusion wasn't surprising but I took both his arms in mine and jumped head straight into what he felt that day, his emotions barraged me from every side until I could clearly feel and get a mental picture of what happened. I could see her, she was still so beautiful, but nothing else, just her by her desk at the library, the emotions faded as day became night and I was plunged into darkness, until the clear image of the beta and his wife standing over my lifeless grandmother in an underground facility that I didn't recognize, materialized, it was more rather a lab but different from the one I knew my grandmother worked in, looking around for clues, I couldn't find anything except the scared and tired faces of children handcuffed. The abducted children, this was where they were being kept, underground. I could feel my wolf whine from the strain of suppressing the alpha, we had to get out soon.

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