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If happiness is an emotion we all have it inside, I think love is there too, in any form, and for the one person you're meant to give it, show it and keep loving  nomatter their gender, sexuality or race.

Carter Defray Lynn Junior.


Carter Lynn.

The air was crisp as we got off the jet, it felt good being home after the ordeal and chaos I had gone through in Kholis Bay, all I needed was to get home, slip into the bed my mate was currently asleep in since it was night time in Louisville, the time difference still had me reeling I hated it. "Wanna go with me to my house, Sophia is probably up with Em." Saint suggests and I deny. "All I want is to go home, and slip into bed and have my mate hold me." I replied with a huge grin forming on my face. "What are we waiting for?!" Lincoln cheers as we quickly put all our baggage through, paid for essentials and we were out in minutes, once outside the driver pulled up by the road and helped us load our stuff into the car.

"I don't care if my house is the farthest one, we are going there first and step on it." I told the woman and she nodded with a happy chuckle before stepping on the gas, I was absolutely buzzing from every pore to see my mate, my boys, just the feel of my home. "Someone is excited." Lincoln accuses and I quirk a brow. "You were gone a week, I was gone for three, there is a difference." I retort and we all laugh as the driver finally gets to my house, the drive had been short because she was speeding, thankfully no authorities saw us, we would've gotten several tickets. I rummaged through my bag for my key, punched in the code then turned the key, the door swung open as we all but threw my bags into the house. "Bye!" I waved them goodbye as I tried not to run up the stairs, in the end, I ran.

Like I expected he was out, our kids sprawled next to him on the bed, it brought a smile to my face just feeling the warmth, I was home, slipping out of my shoes and dropping my jacket to the floor I made my way to the large bed, slipping into the covers behind the bulking mass of man, I tried, emphasis on tried to wrap my arm around his torso but like always failed. "Im home angel." I whispered placing a kiss on his neck. "I swear if I'm dreaming, I will send curse words to the goddess." He muttered making me giggle. "Why don't you turn around." I suggested and in unnatural speed he had not only turned but pinned me to the bed.  "Oh my beautiful husband." I mumbled scratching his beard lightly, I loved how he had grown it out, it suited him. "Chocolate lover, tell me I'm not dreaming." He responds and I shook my head in refusal, the reason for his disbelief was because I hadn't told him I was coming back early.

"Kiss me." I told him and he didn't waste time making that a reality, had I mentioned that he was really good at kissing me, he made everything in the room disappear, even my kids. "You're here." He chuckled as he ravaged my mouth again, I tasted him, felt him, wanted more of him, but the kiddies were in the room. "You wanted to surprise me." Darn his intuition. "Yes, I knew you would like it." I replied and he hummed. "You know I would, you're horrible at surprises but epic entrances, you got that in the bag, it's the Lynn in you." He exclaims making me protest. "Hey, I'm good at this." I argue but he closes the distance and diffuses the petty anger with mind boggling kisses. "Where were you at?" He teased my mind spinning. "I don't know, I forgot." He states happily and I melt into him.

"I missed you." I rumble like a cat whilst teasing him. "Our kids are next to us you horny little minx." He chides and I blush licking his cheek. "Won't you share your milk, I hear it goes great with chocolate." I softly whisper in his ear and he groans. "Are you looking to get knocked up?" He questions his voice dropping a few octaves. "Maybe." Innocently fluttering my eyelashes I reply, there was no reply, just a grunt and I knew I was getting it, thanks to the inbuilt bathroom on the jet I was good to go, and I had prepped enough in there to make sure I was going to get some good loving. "I see you missed getting coated in cream." He grunts out as I grind on him, teasing him, he randomly picked a room and when the door was locked behind him, I knew I had opened pandora's little closet.

My clothes were ripped off, as were his. "Mister Lynn, I'm going to make love to you, then I'm going fuck you after, hard rough pounding, you might just leave this room pregnant." He slowly and softly states as he ignited the fire in me, oh I had definitely opened that forbidden box, yet I wanted all of it. "Yes please." I begged as the first stroke had my knees buckling.

My husband never missed, he was absolutely brilliant at satisfying both of us, I couldn't have complaints, I groaned trying to move and face him but I was sore, he had kept to his word and I'm pretty sure I was going to get pregnant after this, I welcomed the idea more than anything, my husband wasn't entirely human, he was born to werewolf parents, had werewolf heritage but when he was supposed to shift, it never happened he never got a second soul he could interact with but he still got all the traits of a wolf, healing, agility, speed, strength, heightened senses and the ability to wear me out completely. "Stop moving chocolate lover or you'll have to deal with it." He warned pressing me hard against his body, ripples of pure muscle and abs making contact with my back and something thick brushing on my hip. I shuddered in absolute delight, yes, I was weird, I loved it.

"You pounded me into the bed last night, I'm sure we broke it." I mumbled sighing in complete bliss, he chuckled as I felt him move the sheet. "Cherry blossom we're on the mattress alone, the bed broke somewhere between third, or was it sixth, I lost count." He retorted and I instantly hid myslef in my pillow which elicited a laugh from him, it was deep, hearty and I had missed it. "You can't get shy now, you took all of me, in every position that flexible body of yours could conjure up, and even begged me to keep going, I did by the way, till you came and blacked out in what I would describe as pure euphoria." He kept on relaying details that made my cheeks burn in more embarrassment, I had really gone off the rails, and I'm sure my wolf had a go with our mate too. "Not to mention your wolf came out to play too, damn he is good." He adds knowing exactly what I was thinking and I groan even more, Goddess.

"Embarrassed sugar pie?" He questions and I do well not to nod. "Uh, no—" I tried but my burning cheeks betray me. "What do I always tell you about feeling embarrassed because you enjoy going at it with your mate?" He demands possessively, I am aroused. "Not to because you'll punish me until I'm not." I mutter lowly, so he wouldn't exact that punishment but it was too late, he flipped me over and put me on my knees. "Are you going to apologize to daddy?" He asks as his long wet tongue trails down my hole to my cock. "Yess." I moan out loud as my punishment was executed in the most deliriously delicious of ways.

Note to self, don't leave mate for three weeks or more, he will ravage you until you cum absolutely nothing. "Good afternoon beautiful." He sweetly mumbled ruffling Khalil's hair who was busy throwing sand at his brother, Wayne throws it back and they begin rolling in it, that was going to be a pain washing it out.
"So how about you tell me about Kholis bay." He suggests lifting me up and placing me on his lap by the blanket I had laid out in our backyard. "Where to begin." I began and all his attention was on me, like the world began and end with me, and surely for me, it did.


A glimspe into Carter and Dwayne's life.


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