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We don't always cry when hurt, but our emotions still show through, confused, hurt, angry and in constant turmoil, that's how we know we are beings of emotion.


Carter Defray Lynn.

"We aren't having this conversation." I told Sterling whilst shutting the door in his face.

"Why not, I offered to help, Enzo, the alpha, Tai, the three of them, offered to help, why won't you accept it, and these aren't just ordinary kids, they are pack children, so why would you expect that we wouldn't want to help." He argues whilst opening and closing the door behind him, this argument had started earlier when I had gone to drop off the box with the books that I had taken from the library, the shipment would be overnight therefore they would soon be safe with him, my mate, that was a problem off my shoulders, now I had to deal with Sterling and the pack leaders who were constantly hounding me about whatever I had found out.

"Look Sterling, I appreciate this whole, I'm part of the pack and we help each other parody, but truth is, I'm not part of the pack, much less this town, I didn't need help nor do I need it now, plus this has already gotten out of hand already, you weren't even supposed to know." I finally responded with the absolute truth, it was bitter, but it was the truth and I stood by it. "I get it Carter, if you burning those maps in my office didn't send a clear enough mesage, I don't know what would have, but I'm trying here Cherry, I just want—to be there for you." He finally confesses, something his emotions told me was the truth, I could feel the sincerity behind each word, but my mind was already made up, and I couldn't drag anyone into this, there were some dangerous people involved.

"You want to help Sterling—." I asserted as we stood by the kitchen island. "Go back to your restaurant, stay out of this, and tell Erik how you feel."

I dismissed our conversation then and left him astounded, I knew I was being hard on him, but I didn't want anyone getting hurt then I get blamed for it by the same people who had forced their way onto my plan, I wasn't having any of it. I heard the door bang shut downstairs and I knew Sterling was gone, Tori and Tai were at Irina's funeral, I had decided not to go, I wasn't going to indulge the dead wolf like that, it was enough that I had gotten rid of her. So I quickly showered, with everyone occupied by the ongoing funeral, I could go into the woods and explore, which was my way of scouting out the place where the kids were being kept, the hard drive I had taken from alpha Harrison's hiding place wasn't in any way part of this whole sinister plot to kidnap kids but it did contain information I knew if it got into the wrong hands, would destroy the pack itself so I sent it with the books  to the one place it would be safe.

I wore cargo shorts, mudtrail boots and a mustard shirt, along with a sun hat that truly made look like a human out to explore the forest, I hoped it would take away some of the attention I'd get from the patrol wolves, quickly I grabbed my phone and made sure my gps was on and that the tracker was working, I had to be very careful and cautious, if anything happened I wanted my mate to find me easily, if he couldn't no one in Kholis Bay would survive his wrath. I made it to the backyard and began my walk deep into the forest, it was eerily silent, the birds were chirping in the far off distance and all I could see was green canopies from the trees around me, but with map in hand, I made good time and put in effort not to get lost.

"Who are you Denara?" I whispered to myself as I made my way to a clearing, it seemed the trees had been cut down before but a new plantation had been placed to replace them, atleast they cared about nature, taking a break I sat by a fallen log, checking over my map I knew I was close but when a twig snapped I knew I wasn't alone, sniffing the air I picked up a faint scent but my stalker was moving down wind so I couldn't find out who they were. "Carter." His voice made my skin crawl, bile rise in my throat and my wolf want to come out and tear him to pieces. "I thought I told you, stay away from me Lorenzo." I hissed back as he finally walked out behind me and I turned to fully face him, he had gotten taller, bulkier, I hate to admit it but he'd gotten even better looking, I guess maturity became him.

"If you didn't take strolls in the woods alone, I would leave you alone." He shot back looking at me warily. "I don't need anyone to protect me, I used to, not any more." I stated turning around to leave and he grabbed my hand. "Don't —." He pleaded as I kicked his knee, snatched my hand back and punched him, he groaned and shook his head to reel back his senses. "By now I'd think you would know I don't like you touching me, just being near you is draining." I spoke rubbing my hand and walking a few paces away. "Why?!" He yelled. "Is it because you left, built a life out there and forgot your family, your love, or is it because you betrayed our bond?" He accused boldy and I turned sharply to meet his eyes.

"How dare you?" I growled out. "Dare, isn't that the truth." He asserted as I tried to reign in my emotions, how could he accuse me of things I never did, never could have done. "How dare you Lorenzo, your father slept with your girl friend, got her pregnant and killed her because he didn't want his dirty little secret to come out, then conveniently blamed it on me because I was your dirty little secret, your father could do no wrong, so you believed him, believed that I was capable of killing a pregnant wolf, what did you do afterward huh, what?" I all but yelled and with each stride my anger shot up. "Let me tell you what you did, you couldn't love me, you couldn't handle having a male mate, and when your father lied, you turned the family, you so callously accuse me of abandoning, against me, my best friend tied me down with ropes soaked in wolfsbane just to present me to you, your highness." I hissed jabbing my pointer finger into his chest.

"Instead of listening, hearing me out, you chased me down, and drove a knife into my stomach, my own mate, the only person on this planet who could love me unconditionally, you drove a knife into my stomach, bled me out, then exiled me." I finally said it, the truth he needed to hear, I wiped away the tears that spilled from my eyes non stop, sniffling I roughly wiped away more of them, Enzo tried to wrap his arms around me to comfort me but that wasn't what I wanted, never would, so I punched his ribs cracking them, then leapt into the air round house kicked him, he fell to the forest floor, as I walked over to where he fell, my heeled boot delivered more blows to his body but he didn't retaliate, he took the brunt force of my anger.

"Don't you ever dare accuse me of things I never did, I loved you, I gave my all to you, but you broke me Enzo— you broke me!" I screamed as more ribs cracked. "Carter stop!" Tai yelled as he and alpha Harrison along with a few more wolves showed up. "Why should I, should I not tell him the truth, should I not make him feel what he did to me, how can you stand there, and live with yourselves after what he's done, huh!" I yelled looking at all of them and none of them raised their head to speak. "Alpha Enzo Harrison, how dare you accuse me of things I never did, you exiled me, with a broken bond, I almost died, our bond snapped, broke without words and if I was any wolf I would be dead because of rejection but someone saved me, told me it was a coward's way to die—" I sniffled as my anger finally fizzled out and my pain with it.

"He rebuilt me, nurtured me back to health and saw my worth and each day ever since, he's given me nothing but love, now you know, I never betrayed our bond, it broke and I found love again with a man who you could never be." I asserted as I took a deep breath and looked to alpha Harrison and Tai, then turned to walk away, I had kids to rescue and maybe now, they would leave me alone, but Tai didn't, he jogged up to me and sighed. "Im sorry." He whispered as we walked and I just nodded. "I'm sorry too, you should be mourning your mother." I stated in a whisper and he waved it off. "I loved my mother, but she and I weren't what we used to be, so it hurts less." He responded as a wolf from the pack came running yelling his name. "Beta Tai, its your father." She wheezed out trying to regain her breathing. "What about him?" Tai asked cautiously. "We found him by the beach, he seems to have drowned."


That moment when Carter finally spoke and lost it, I felt that.


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