Season 3 Chapter 50 Xenos

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No one's POV

The next day was an uproar for the whole city of Orario. A monsters sighting last night made everyone restless. And just like Sora predicted, the Loki and Freya Familia are on the move. He caught glimpse of Anakkity, Bete, Allen, Hedin, and Hegni, we're searching the place where Sora took the roundabout way to avoid being pursue. And after that, he had back to the HeartFire Mansion only to find out that they had been sent a mission from the guild.

Sora: A mission...

Sora look at the envelop that as it said.

"Each member of the Hestia Familia, including the vouivre girl, is hereby ordered to proceed to the Dungeon 20th floor".

Welf: So, you're saying they found out because of the riot yesterday?

Sora: It's too sudden for that. The vouivre girl... With the speed I'm moving yesterday night to bring Wiene back, even first class adventurers will only see a blur. And yet they know what type of monster she is... The only explanation is that they've known for some time.

Sora(mind): It must be that owl, that kept watching us ever since the first day.

Welf and Lili were trying their best to remain calm. Mikoto and Haruhime are standing like statues off to the side. Bell and Rin seemed to have a paled face. They struggle to breath, thinking that they've been find out, while Hestia was still reading the document herself.

Lili: Lili is more concerned about what the guild is aiming? Instead of trying to restrain us, or demanding we hand over Lady Wiene... "Go to dungeon's 20th floor", they say.

Mikoto: So the guild doesn't intend to arrest us...?

Haruhime: Why must Lady Wiene accompany us, I wonder?

Lili: I don't know. Maybe they're trying to force something to happen?

Rin: What are your thought, Sora?

They all looked at Sora who was still thinking what the guild is aiming.

Sora: This is just hypothetically, but what if the guild had known about this talking monster far longer than we do? If they truly do know about this talking monster, the more reason why they never share this information with us. The whole Orario will crumble. I can understand why Lord Ouranus were trying to keep this hidden.

If they found out that monsters and people didn't have to kill each other but could talk things out, the city's residents would wither be filled with doubts- or fully embrace their hatred. The adventurers who were supposed to exterminate monsters would lose their edge. And there would be those out for revenge that get killed by monsters acting in self-defense. Casualties were inevitable. This affair was an earthquake that would rock the world. After Sora told his hypothesis, everyone could only tremble.

Rin: So your saying that the guild, or rather, Lord Ouranus himself are trying to protect monsters! What are they thinking?

Sora: Like us with Wiene.

Everyone: !!!

Sora: So I think that this mission true purpose, is to send Wiene back to her own kin.

Welf: Can we even make it there? Just us, all the way down to the 20th floor. Other than Sora and Rin, it will be the first for the rest of us.

Sora: It's gonna be difficult for me and Rin to protect you all. But we'll do the best we can. We only got one shot, so we need Haruhime's Level Boost. You all should meet the criteria to reach that floor.

Lili: But in the end, there's no denying that it will be a dangerous expedition.

Adventurers usually take their time on each floor, learning the lay of the land and how to deal with monsters before pressing forwards, for safety reason. But since they were given a mission and need to go straight to the heart of the 20th floor, Sora need to come up with an even more safety tactic and command.

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