Season 4 Chapter 84, Interlude 4 Astrea Familia

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No one's POV

It was the same as before. That day, too, everything began with a powerful explosion. That fateful day that proclaimed the beginning of calamity. Endless shaking. The sound of rubble falling in the distance. Ryuu sat up with those sounds still ringing in her ears.

Ryuu: Huh...?!

The room was in shambles. Huge holes had been gouged from the walls, and the floor was pocked with craters. Claw marks crosshatched the walls, stubbing out the phosphorescence and plunging the labyrinth into a darkness deep as night.

Alise: Hey, is everyone okay?!

Lyra: That was close!

Kaguya: So it was a trap after all... Looks like you were right on mark, Sora.

Sora: I've figure as much when I saw them staying quite the distance between us.

Kaguya: Although I've gotta laugh at a plan as crude as burying us alive with bombs...!

The voices of Sora, Alise, Lyra, Kaguya, and the other members of Astrea Familia echoed around Ryuu. As they climbed over the rubble to stand up, the girls saw the lightning barrier that Sora had put around them to keep them safe.

That day, they had descended to the deep levels in pursuit of their longstanding enemy, Rudra Familia, and had been lured into a trap. Indiscriminate explosions across a large area, set off by masses of Inferno Stones, had nearly penned them in. But thanks to the Light of Hope Sora, who had sniffed out the trap and warned everyone, they had escaped disaster by a hairbreadth.

Jura: Why are you still alive, Astrea Familia bitches?! It's all your damn fault, Flashing Strike! How many Inferno Stones do you think we wasted on you?!

On the far side of the swirling sparks and smoke, Jura Harma was shrieking. The tamer was still young then, with both ears and both arms intact, and filled with hatred at the sight of his reviled enemies. But terror, too, seeped in at the edges of his rage.

Making allowances for unexpected events, they had scattered more than one hundred explosives in the Dungeon. Judging from the scale of the detonation, this was Rudra Familia's final trap.

Jura and the rest of his familia were clearly cowed by the fact that even this had not managed to wipe out the Light of Hope and the clan of justice.

Sora: Thank you very much, Jura. But this will be the last of your evil schemes.


Alise: We will put an end to it. To the Evilus and to this evil era.

Sora and Alise's eloquent words rang out as if she were arraigning the men in court. Ryuu and the other members of Astrea Familia stood behind the two leader, piercing Jura and his cronies with their eyes as they shrunk away. The Light of Hope along with the Astrea Familia were about to bring the hammer of justice down onto the cornered Rudra Familia—when it happened. The Dungeon cried.

Sora: ?

This was not the cracking sound of a monster being spawned, nor the shaking that foretold the coming of an Irregular. It was a piercing, inorganic sound, like a blade being run over a taught silver string. The instincts of every adventurer present flashed red at this unmistakable lament of the Dungeon. Ryuu was not the only one immobilized by this unfamiliar situation. The other members of Astrea and Rudra familias froze, too. Only the Hero whom was quick with his thoughts and prepared himself.

Sora: Hah!

Sora immediately transformed into his Raijin mode. Then along with that, he activated his Berserk Armor at the same time, making him look like a Wolf Monster made out of pure lightning.

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